Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

blonde hair colours

blonde hair colours. londe hair colours. short
  • londe hair colours. short

  • iMikeT
    Aug 29, 11:01 AM
    Why do these "tree-huggers" have to interfere with business?

    Apple does what they can to have more "enviornmentally-friendly" ways of processing their products. But 4th worst?

    blonde hair colours. Hair Colour Ideas Blonde
  • Hair Colour Ideas Blonde

  • faroZ06
    Apr 20, 06:16 PM
    This is becoming more true, but historically hasn't been the case. Fortunately Microsoft eventually learned its lessons from Slammer and the like.

    Once you use Windows, you are doing something stupid :D
    Well not really, I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

    blonde hair colours. Spring/Summer 09 Hair Colour
  • Spring/Summer 09 Hair Colour

  • citizenzen
    Mar 14, 07:15 PM
    Your English comprehension could be better. Calling Nuclear 'The only Green Solution' (or Choice) is NOT calling it Green. The opinion piece merely points out that hydrocarbon burning is LESS Green. See the difference?

    Thank you for admonishing me on my reading comprehension. Perhaps you could make yourself available for private tutoring to help those of us who are disadvantaged.

    Burning hydrocarbons may produce less CO2 than nuclear fission, however I would be interested in seeing the entire process quantified.

    How much power does it take to provide and maintain storage of the waste, and to mine the uranium? What impact does the operation of the plant have on the environment? What is the cost to humans and the environment when these plants fail as they have?

    All of these need to be taken into account when one considers how green nuclear power is.

    blonde hair colours. For example, I HATE the colour
  • For example, I HATE the colour

  • pseudobrit
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Where's the eight-core Memromn?

    blonde hair colours. londe hair colours pictures.
  • londe hair colours pictures.

  • zarusoba
    Aug 30, 08:48 AM
    The fact is that there is no industry or organisation that does not depend on healthy ecosystems for its survival and growth. Therefore, even those who lack any moral imperative to protect the environment must surely choose to do so out of sheer logic.

    Greenpeace's report is not necessarily correct. Lest we forget that old adage: "You can't believe everything you read." However, organisations like Greenpeace fulfill an essential role and provide an opening for debate and for the development of effective environmental standards.

    The Montreal Protocol that prohibited CFC production is an example of a successful environmental treaty that benefits everyone by placing appropriate limitation on industry.

    "Wealth can provide no shield from pollution."
    Ronald Wright, "A Short History of Progress" (http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/massey/massey2004.html)

    blonde hair colours. Hair Colour Change
  • Hair Colour Change

  • mscriv
    Apr 6, 02:20 PM
    All you have to do is press CMD+~ it's right above the tab key. I figured it out the other day. CMD+TAB to switch b/w apps, CMD+~ to switch b/w windows.

    Thanks for that one. Been using a Mac for 6 years and never found it. Saves a lot of F3 and click action :).

    I find no need for this shortcut as setting Expose's all windows feature to a mouse button seems to be the easiest and quickest way to shift between open windows. Have you tried that?

    blonde hair colours. applied to londe hair and
  • applied to londe hair and

  • G5isAlive
    Mar 18, 07:36 AM
    What exactly about "unlimited" don't people understand? Without limits.

    actually there was a limit. single person. not tethering. anything else is in fact breaking the agreement.

    blonde hair colours. londe hair colours.
  • londe hair colours.

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 10:40 AM
    The obvious uses for a HDD to be included in the iTV have been discussed fairly extensivly. I'll try not to rehash anything, and all appologies if I do without giving credit. On to the point.

    Apple is in the hardware business. They make software and provided services to generate sales and lock you into thier hardware. They make like $.01 per song; maybe $.50 a movie. So why do it? So we'll be a new iPod/computer/iTV every few years. The same holds true for iTV. Its hardware. Apple will include anything if it makes the hardware purchase more compelling. So why the HDD in iTV? For ALL the obvious reasons. Maybe they partition an 80GB iPod drive; say 10, 10 and 60. 10GB for a "rental" service downloaded straignt to the new box. 10GB for a streaming cache from your computer. And 60GB for PRV use. Why not?

    You might have a point here but at that price point I suspect a 30GB HD and no PVR use. The HD could be used for caching and PPV/rental movies though.

    blonde hair colours. Blonde Hair Colour
  • Blonde Hair Colour

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 11:07 PM
    I can't even believe I was arguing with someone who things that magic bullet and Color are even remotely the same thing.

    Goodnight, junior.

    I can't believe there are people such as yourself with such a stark lack of integrity that you would lie about what I have said in order to insult me... and simultaneously lack the basic wisdom to recognize that quoting me saying what I actually said in the very message where you tell the lie makes the lie obvious to anyone with basic comprehension skills.

    I mentioned the likelihood of a plugin system that would allow grading, and I mentioned magic bullet:

    I never said that it and color were "the same", I just gave it as an example of something, like Color, that could be integrated into the app workflow via a plugin architecture. I never made a comparison between them, not that comparing a color grading tool like color to magic bullet looks, which is a color grading tool, is all that radical a notion-- if I had made the comparison.

    I'm amazed, if this stark lack of basic integrity and honesty, isn't just you hiding behind an alias online, that you could ever maintain gainful employment acting this way.

    You owe me an apology.

    blonde hair colours. dark londe hair colorsdark
  • dark londe hair colorsdark

  • MacFly123
    Oct 7, 01:12 PM
    All I have to say is EAT IT MICROSOFT! Windows Mobile SUCKS lol :D :p

    I love seeing the way things are going for Microsoft. It is like watching a giant passing out about to SLAM and hit the ground collapsed. Always too little too late! :rolleyes:

    blonde hair colours. hair colour all londe?
  • hair colour all londe?

  • mpstrex
    Aug 30, 10:27 AM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Edit: Added some more bigoted quotes.
    Edit: Added a couple more gems.
    Edit: One more.

    Bigoted? Wow. I mean, yeah, some of those were crossing the line, but if I exercise my freedom of speech and say that many environmentalists subscribe to ideals and faith vs. facts, does that mean I'm a bigot? Jeez, I've been called worse when I say my opinions. People can say what they want; others certainly do when it comes to Conservatives and the Israelis (Nazis, Zionists, war mongers, etc.--and that's just IN the USA). I don't subscribe to hatred, but before you start labelling anyone who disagrees with your opinions and beliefs a bigot and irresponsible, think about how you're trying to stifle our freedoms of speech. Again, a few of those crossed the line, but I hope you aren't trying to stop us from talking.

    blonde hair colours. Blonde Hair Colors
  • Blonde Hair Colors

  • greenstork
    Sep 20, 05:49 PM
    Just thought I'd add some tidbits to the DVR discussion. As a few others have pointed out, El Gato and others don't do digital cable content. Digital cable is encoded and the only way to decode it currently is with a cable company set-top box or a CableCARD.

    Any device that is capable of accepting a CableCARD must be certified by CableLabs, which is setup and run by all of the cable companies.

    CableLabs certified CableCARD devices go through a rigorous certification process. There are a handful of televisions certified and only one DVR, the TiVo Series 3. Windows Media Centers have been waiting for CableCARDs for years but CableLabs won't certify Media Center PCs until Vista comes out, with it's much stronger DRM. Because OS X's/Quicktime's DRM just isn't that difficult to hack, it's going to be a long time before we see a CableCARD capable device working in or alongside a Mac. In other words, Macs won't be recording a digital TV stream for a couple of years at least.

    Sure, you could hook up a set-top box to your Mac but then the signal has been converted from digital to analog, back to digital again. Also, you have no control over the channel unless you implement some IR blaster device or something. And that solution is far from easy to use, I'll stick with my TiVo for high definition dual channel recording.

    blonde hair colours. hair colour does Lindsay
  • hair colour does Lindsay

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 07:54 AM
    A reasonable question, AppleScruff. Indeed, my sample group includes staff, faculty, and students from different disciplines (including business/commerce, and engineering) at a university who use their Macs for research, graduate work, or lecture preparation; a prominent cardiologist at a large hospital; a financial advisor; professional musicians; and many others.

    I am myself using a Mac in a business school seamlessly among my PC-using peers. There is nothing that they can do that I cannot - and many things I can do that they would have a difficult time doing in Windows. In fact, my colleagues have been so impressed that one has already made the switch recently, and another is preparing to switch as well. Those days of "needing to run Windows" for work are behind us.

    That's been my observation in the business world as well. With projects often being Web-based now, Windows is becoming irrelevant. On one project with about twenty developers, systems architects and analysts, close to half were running Macbook Pros (no Windows installed) and doing very well. It's just not an issue for many office folks. Obviously there are some roles that still require Windows, but not as many as it used to be. The tech folks in particular seem to take great delight in moving to Macs. Times have changed.

    blonde hair colours. Light Brown Hair Colors Google
  • Light Brown Hair Colors Google

  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 1, 06:35 PM
    Well then color me crazy and put me back on the bus! I'm all about the top speed 2.66GHz model and nothing else. :p

    We won't see lower power 4-core offerings until Intel goes 45nm with a unified core design. 45nm should take them to 8-core, maybe 16 or even 24, but Intel doesn't seem too sure just yet.

    blonde hair colours. Platinum londe is another
  • Platinum londe is another

  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 20, 05:34 PM
    The trouble with DRM is that it often affects the average Joe consumer more than it hurts those it's intended to stop.Yep. This is true of many laws.

    DRM embedded in iTunes annoy Joe Public who burned a track onto his wedding video and now can't distribute it to the wedding guests without working out an authorise/deauthorise schedule.Actually, they get even crazier when you start making derivative works like that. I do video as a hobby and have to be very careful if someone asks me to put a commercial track on the wedding video I'm editting. Technically, I cannot do it without a syncronization license plus royalty payment agreements for each copy sold. Just try to pin down a videographer on the legality of this - it's a HUGE grey area in the fair use clause. Some artists and/or labels (so I've read) won't even let you do it if you are willing to pay for said licenses because they don't want their "art" mixed with someone elses (the video).

    The record companies assume everyone is out to be a criminal while the 'criminals' don't bother buying DRMed files or strip out protection and do what they want so just as many files end up on P2P networks and on dodgy CDs on street corners.Welcome to humanity, were the one jerk always screws it up for the rest of us. :mad:

    blonde hair colours. Colour of Blonde hair Dye
  • Colour of Blonde hair Dye

  • dj-anon
    May 2, 03:20 PM
    LOL. I got scared for a second since Pro Tools is dumb and doesn't like non-privileged accounts so I run as admin. But this "threat" requires so many clicks that it is ridiculous.

    blonde hair colours. londe hair might make it
  • londe hair might make it

  • skunk
    Apr 23, 05:29 PM
    I've found the response of some of the devout atheist posters in this thread very interesting,What is a "devout atheist"? :confused:

    blonde hair colours. londe hair and blue eyes
  • londe hair and blue eyes

  • milo
    Sep 12, 05:19 PM
    Plus I'm going to have to wait 2+ hours for it to download, plus nothing extra.

    You don't have to wait, if you have a fast connection you can watch while it's downloading.

    So almost a year later Apple introduces a device that will play *near* (i.e. lower than) DVD-quality when the market is finally warming up to HD quality disks.

    Who says it will only do DVD quality? It has HD outputs, and some of the reports said he called up the incredibles (was it the movie or the trailer?) in HD.

    Right now we have an upgraded Airport extreme.

    Which is exactly what I want. If you want TV tuner, just buy one, they're already available. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple ends up buying Elgato. If Apple announced a TV tuner, wouldn't people be complaining that it would put poor Elgato out of business?

    I'll just use a cable to hook my laptop to my TV.
    Voila! I just replaced iTV for less than $5.00.

    So was your laptop free...or did you find one for under five bucks?

    I bought a DVI->S-Video adapter for $15 and an S-Video cable for about $20. Guess what. I can watch TV shows and movies downloaded to my hard drive on my TV. Sooooo.... $35 vs. $300. Let me see.

    As above...didn't you have to buy your computer? And isn't it a pain to have to have your computer sitting next to the TV while you're watching (all the time if it's not a laptop, drag it in if it is)? I did that for a while with my mini and got tired of it.

    no one could convince us that the 640x480 would be enough for HDTV or which wireless protocol it would use.

    Did they say that the iTV only did 640x480, or is that just something you assumed?

    wireless is useless for watching movies. I use my mac now to get videos from NAS servers and wireless doesn't cut it. I need to be going 100 or else it gets choppy. Unless they release a new wireless access point.

    You mean CURRENT wireless isn't fast enough. There's a new, faster standard on the way, which is probably part of the reason this isn't shipping yet.

    blonde hair colours. Hilary Duff#39;s londe hair is
  • Hilary Duff#39;s londe hair is

  • maxspivak
    Sep 12, 03:37 PM
    If the want to move into the den or living room, or better yet the home theater, they need more functionality for iTV. As described, it's more of a client for iTunes. Sure, it will automatically download and play movies and songs. But...

    Quality: there are differences in iPod quality and home theater / big stereo system. I can happily accept lossy compression for iPod. Not so for multi-thousand-$$$ stereo system. Give me lossless compression from ITMS.

    Same goes for movies. I don't want near-DVD quality stretched to my 120" screen. Even with a high-quality video scaler. I want HD - blueray or hd-dvd. I can rent hi-def disks from netflix today. Why, why would I settle for quality worse than what DVDs gave me for the last 10 years???

    At least give me an optical disk. Better yet, break some new ground, give me a combo BluRay / HD-DVD drive!!!

    Add's functionality -- how 'bout a PVR.

    Will I buy one -- probably. But I expected something abit more radical than what they showed.

    Jun 27, 10:50 AM
    I was on sprint for 10 years, dropped 6 to 7 calls a day. I switched one of my 8 phones into AT&T (iphone) to test it out. I did not drop a single call for 3 weeks. So I cancelled all my sprint lines and switched to AT&T, been on AT&T for 8 months maybe 6 dropped calls since. Much better service IMO

    Apr 23, 08:42 AM
    Hey- Macs "just work" right? Well, a lot of us apply that motto to our lives. For most of us, religion does not "just work". But people can believe what they want.

    Oct 9, 11:01 PM
    I'm kind of caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Speed is important for me: CD-burning, video-editing, animation-rendering. For that reason the last computer I bought was a Quicksilver. It was the obvious choice at the time.

    I imagined that my next computer would be another Mac to replace my ageing PC. Now it's not so clear. From the informed posts by new P4/XP users on this site it's clear that PC could do the things I want it to do more quickly and, arguably, with comparable stability.

    BUT, I'm an expat living in Japan. One huge advantage of OSX is unicode. My Mac has a Japanese OS, which is great for my wife, but when I'm using the Mac I can switch the user language to English. Much of our Japanese software is also unicode compatible, so we can buy one program that can be used in either of our native languages. This is very cost-effective in the long-run.

    I'm prepared to wait until next year when, hopefully, Apple will be using G5 chips from IBM that are much closer to those from Intel/AMD. I don't need my Mac to be the fastest computer out there (the advantages of OSX would bridge the gap) but I want it to be comparable if I'm going to shell out the extra bucks.

    I don't really want to use XP. On-line activation and security issues still put me off.

    If, however, Apple fail to deliver an impressive new hardware set next year, my next computer may well be PC.

    I hope not, but you have to be realistic...

    May 2, 09:33 AM
    Please, enlighten us how "Unix Security" is protecting you here, more than it would on Windows ? I'd be delighted to hear your explanation.

    A lot of people trumpet "Unix Security" without even understanding what it means.

    It means magical freaken Unicorns! Apple should replace the padlock with this. Much more effective at getting the message across.


    (Yes you saw that correctly)

    Mar 18, 01:04 PM
    The problem is, this may not hurt Apple all that much but it will hurt the Music Download industry.

    I think at this point you could argut that Apple is the Music Download industry.

    With every DRM that is cracked it gives the RIAA more fuel against their "downloading is bad" campaign. Also less labels would be willing to allow iTMS to sell their music.

    A year ago I would have agreed with this, but I think the landscape has changed.

    Apple has already signed all the major labels, and realistically they don't dare back out. This will come up in contract negotiations only.

    The indies don't care nearly as much about DRM, they don't make money through moving huge numbers of tracks, but through raising awareness of the artists leading to concert and merchandising sales.

    Overall the cat's out of the bad, its turned into a (dare I say it?) Tiger, and nobody's putting it back in.

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