Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

easter cupcakes ideas

easter cupcakes ideas. Easter Basket Cupcakes.
  • Easter Basket Cupcakes.

  • bedifferent
    May 2, 04:18 PM
    Bravo, this is the funniest post ever.

    I bet there's a lot of fan bois with soiled underwear.

    Could it be true? Their perfect computers now quite vulnerable.

    Ya gotta love it...the slap of reality :) :) :)

    …and in come the Engadget trolls… ;)

    Reality check is that I make 75% of my part-time communications and IT work from Windows based systems, fixing errors, virus removal, bloatware, instaling third party software such as mail, photo and calendar apps (Office), configuring their WLAN to work properly, et al.

    My OS X work, mostly teaching people how to use OS X (Apple's One on One but without the noise and lack of experience from minimum wage "Creatives"). Funny how the switchers fall in love with OS X and never switch back to Windows.

    Not knocking it, I got W7 on one of my 6-Core Mac Pro SATA bays and it runs amazingly. Of course, some of this is due to the hardware and drivers supplied by Apple, making it seamless as opposed to writing code for a myriad of hardware profiles…

    Bottom line, both are good, but Windows would be better following Apple's lead in producing the hardware with the product, ensuring less compatibility issue and adopting EFI (Bios? REALLY?). Course this would mean millions of large businesses reinvesting in MS built hardware, and with MS's product quality/industrial design, I'm not betting on it...

    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter Cupcakes so I
  • Easter Cupcakes so I

  • bf2008
    May 2, 09:05 AM
    As I understand it, Safari will open the zip file since it's a "safe" download. But that doesn't mean it'll execute the code within that zip file, so how is this malware executing without user permission?

    easter cupcakes ideas. My Easter Cupcakes
  • My Easter Cupcakes

  • wnurse
    Mar 19, 10:54 PM
    Why don't you try it and find out? :)

    I would. I don't care if apple cancels me or not. So what if they cancel me? Am i going to get poorer?. How a company makes money by deliberatly losing customers is beyond me. Are you a apple employee or stockholder?. You sound pretty desperate. You should sell your stock quick or put your resume out there but stop posting silly stuff. As noted before, apple is not going to cancel anyone's account.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter+cupcakes+designs
  • Easter+cupcakes+designs

  • iliketyla
    Apr 20, 07:11 PM
    The experience is degraded because Android lacks the Apple-integrated experience that we care about. Saying Android can do anything iPhone can do is like saying that both an Hyundai Accent and a Ferrari will get you from A to B. Yes, both can do this, but it's the experience that matters. The point isn't the fact that both have apps and both can browse the internet. Most people don't care about overclocking their phones or installing custom ROMs or "software freedom," whatever that means.

    I'm a former two-year Android user. The transition to iPhone 4 was great.

    Good for you.

    I'm a former iPhone user.
    The cost difference in an Android was great, and I don't regret it one bit because the experience is far superior FOR ME.

    Live and let live, your iPhone is not a Ferrari.

    easter cupcakes ideas. of amazing ideas andeaster
  • of amazing ideas andeaster

  • darkplanets
    Mar 11, 09:23 AM
    NB. I guess the most critical things that can get damaged in Japan are the nuke power stations, the reports so far say none are leaking.

    I wouldn't worry about those. They're incredibly well designed. If Japan has any of the new AP1000's, then there's really nothing to worry about.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Chocolate Easter Cupcakes.
  • Chocolate Easter Cupcakes.

  • cmcconkey
    Jul 12, 12:15 PM
    Smallish mid-tower case
    Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8Ghz or better
    1GB RAM
    1-PCIe x16 Slot
    1-Standard PCI Slot
    6-USB 2.0 ports (One in front)
    1- Firewire 800 port (in front)
    Dual Layer DVD
    Onboard 10/100/1000 (I don't care if its wireless, but a wireless opition would be nice but not necessary)
    Graphics Card should be x1600XT or better with 256mb RAM

    I want it at or less than $1199.00

    Now gimmie

    Also would have to have a standard Firewire port. Wireless and Bluetooth standard would be just awesome, considering it is quite cheap now. At that price point would be VERY nice. But don't see it happening. :(


    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter Cupcakes at Babycakes
  • Easter Cupcakes at Babycakes

  • c.hilding
    Oct 27, 01:14 AM
    You are right Multimedia, it's too early to worry about the FSB, we don't even know what rate they've put it at yet. ;)

    easter cupcakes ideas. easter cupcakes peeps.
  • easter cupcakes peeps.

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 11, 11:37 PM
    My DualCore 2.0 PM G5 is just fine and will be REALLY fine until CS 3 is released next spring/summer. Until then, I wouldn't be able to fully utilize the new Mac Pro. I installed my CS 2 on my MacBook and what a dog compared to my G5 at home and my G5 at work. Granted my buddy who is stuck on a 867 QuickSilver at work says that it runs about the same, but that doesn't cut it when I've been using a G5 for 2 years at work and 6 months at home.

    I hope that the "little apps" out there hurry up and get converted over quicker than has been happening. Flash Player has bugged me. They keep using "Betas" and "trials". Flip4Mac hasn't released their update yet for Universal so viewing WMV's is near impossible on the MacIntels. Little things like that make a world of difference.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter Cupcake Ideas
  • Easter Cupcake Ideas

  • GGJstudios
    May 2, 04:44 PM
    trying to stick to facts...

    OSX marketshare was just shy of 50 mill
    That's Mac OS X installed base, not the installed base of Macs, as I said. Mac OS X is not the only Mac OS out there. Reading comprehension is fun!
    lol, sorry........I can't get into this but you are SO wrong its not true.
    Which means, of course, that you can't back up your claims with facts.

    there are governments around the world employing people to do this kind of thing.
    So? That has nothing to do with your baseless claims about hackers.

    easter cupcakes ideas. +ideas+for+easter Cupcakes
  • +ideas+for+easter Cupcakes

  • pkson
    Apr 21, 08:44 PM
    ....yeah the anti-virus software that I don't use.

    It's a clever marketing ploy.



    I didn't know you were still here.

    So all those people telling you that stealing is bad and everything just flew over your head, eh?
    And you post rubbish like... well like your post?

    I don't know much about you, but whatever you do in the future (or maybe now) when people steal stuff from you, I'm sure you would be OK... or is that considered bad because you're not as rich as Kanye?

    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter Ideas V: Little Lamb
  • Easter Ideas V: Little Lamb

  • thereubster
    Nov 3, 06:40 AM
    I'd have to say my opinion is this is very unlikely. Apple has stuck with the four squares of producst, pro, consumer in desktop and portable for years. A sub mac pro without a xeon wouldn't fit into that model. While you could certainly make nice Mac out of a quad-core Core2 extreme I just don't see it happening. I think the only way we'll see conroe/kentsfield in Macs is if they some how got the components needed small enough and cool enough to cram into all sizes of iMacs (if they don't fit in the smallest, they won't go in any, keeps them all the same), and I don't think that will happen.

    I never cease to be amazed though, everytime Steve gives a keynote I feel like he announces stuff I just wouldn't have thought of. So, maybe there is a chance, just not sure what they'd call it, or who it'd be targeted at. My gut says it won't happen.

    I have to say that I would have always agreed with you in the past. Apple just didnt seem to want to play in the mainstream desktop PC arena before. But if the Mac Pro goes 8 core (which is inevitible IMO) then there is a big yawning gap between the iMac and the Mac Pro, both price wise and performance wise. I dont understand why Apple seems content to leave it empty. Is it because there is no money to be made there?
    I beleive that Kentsfield will allow them to fill it with a powerful machine that still allows them some profit margin. The 8 core Mac Pro will be a true professional workstation, with a price to match. It makes sense to slot something in a bit lower, esp. if the commodity price is lower for Apple (DDR2 ram instead of FB-Dimms, etc)
    just an idea I had, feel free to rip it to shreads.

    easter cupcakes ideas. the cutest Easter cupcakes
  • the cutest Easter cupcakes

  • FX120
    May 2, 01:22 PM
    This is partially because due to a design flaw in Windows, many third-party applications won't even run unless they have administrator access (silly, no?).

    So outdated software or poor programming = Design flaw in Windows?

    Don't get me wrong, I have some legacy applications that won't run without elevated permissions, but they're just that, legacy applications. I suppose Microsoft could just take Apples approach and forcibly antiquate software.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Easter+cupcakes+designs
  • Easter+cupcakes+designs

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 09:05 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing comes from logic and reason?


    But the idea of some "eternal" God(s) that created the Universe out of nothing comes from logic and reason? And the idea that this God made it so that humans eventually evolved so that they could worship this God(s), comes from logic and reason? And the only reason people believe this is because of an old compiled book of stories that were written by non-witnesses after the stories had been told and retold during ancient times. Is that logic and reason?

    easter cupcakes ideas. Dear Deluxe Cakes amp; Pastries
  • Dear Deluxe Cakes amp; Pastries

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 12:16 PM
    What are you talking about? Don't blame your ignorance on semantics. Try understanding what you read first.

    If you are talking about an unmarried straight couple, then yes, you can have same-sex sex and it's "just as OK", i.e., equally not OK.

    No. I am not blaming my confusion on semantics� ;)

    So, according to your interpretation of the CCC:
    unmarried straight couples are having "sinful" sex.
    unmarried same-sex couples are having "sinful" sex.
    married (but not in a church) straight couples are having sinful sex.
    married (but not in a church) same-sex couples are having sinful sex.
    married (Catholics) are having sinful sex, if not purely for reproduction.
    Which leaves us with�
    married (Catholics) are having righteous sex, but only if for reproduction.

    Such fun!

    Did you maybe mean celibacy? I'm sorry that this confusion has happened to you. I know, there are lots of words in the English language and it's really hard to keep track of them all.

    I suggest a dictionary. There are many on the web, even.

    Insulting language never helps.

    Here is a link to a *gasp* dictionary!
    linky (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chastity)
    Definition a and b.
    Although I suppose you'd go for c and d. Right?

    easter cupcakes ideas. If it#39;s Easter Cupcakes
  • If it#39;s Easter Cupcakes

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 06:47 AM
    I was thinking the same thing. "In my day" a hardcore gamer was someone that custom built a gaming rig consisting of no less then 2 graphics cards (add a third and get SLI + PhysX), each costing at least if not more then a single PS3, the most expensive 'extreme' cpu they could find, and a small nuclear power plant for a PSU, then boasting about their 3D Mark scores.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Vanilla Easter Cupcakes by
  • Vanilla Easter Cupcakes by

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 13, 04:16 AM
    Overclocked my Athlon 1.4GHz Tbird to 1.522GHz, benchmark results (under C#, which was fastest) did an average of 7390 milliseconds (7.39 seconds). w00t!

    Gotta love overclocking.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Cupcake+ideas+for+easter
  • Cupcake+ideas+for+easter

  • valkraider
    Apr 28, 10:18 AM
    Go and read.
    my 5-10 year predictions are actually quite funny.

    You obviously have no idea how this works and no matter what stuff those little toys bring they will still be just fillers for masses not real PCs


    4352 servers during the peak of production of the Avatar blockbuster. / 34,816 processor cores, 104,448GB of memory in total. Now you get the idea what is a PC that you work with? They needed warehouses of them to get the job done and you put a little tablet in the same category as those PCs.

    Right, because in order for it to be "work" it has to involve 3D rendering or working on the (crappy) movie Avatar.

    The rest of the 300 million people in the USA who don't do 3D rendering or making digital movie effects - we all just surf the web and play games.

    Oh, and by the way, for 30 years now - there have been lots of "real PCs" which were not used for 3D rendering or making movies. In fact, until the recent advances in parallel processing, most of that 3D work and rendering was done on servers and workstations that were specifically designed for the task and cost tens of thousands of dollars each (not including software). So your "real PCs" up until maybe the last 5 or 10 years couldn't even do as much as current iPads do now - let alone what you are calling "real work".

    My current iPhone has more processing power, more memory and "disk" space, and better bandwidth than my Office computers from 1995 to 2005.

    You might need a massive computer for your work, but I know a LOT of industries that are moving to iPads because they better meet the needs of the user. The medical industry, and the logistics industry are moving that way. The auto sales industry is moving that way. Whether it is iOS or not is yet to be seen, but having a small inexpensive portable computer system with a 10 hour battery that can do 95% of the workload in a business is very attractive. I know realtors and home contractors who have become excited about the iPad as well. Even auto mechanics are using iPads in their business.

    easter cupcakes ideas. Justeaster cupcakes for
  • Justeaster cupcakes for

  • Dagless
    Apr 9, 05:10 AM
    Say that about games like Final Fantasy III, Aralon, or even NOVA 2. Try finishing any of these games while on one sitting at the toilet. :eek:
    There are some gems. However it goes without saying that FF3 is a port from a DS game, which is a remake of a NES game. Aralon and NOVA 2 are quite cheap in their quality, neither matching the games they're trying to clone.

    Nope, obviously the biggest screen you have is your ipad. The console gaming experience is nothing like the mind numbing games which make the bulk of the App store. Sure there are maybe 20 games that have anything like the look of a console, but touch is no replacement for tactile feedback. Take a peek: Appshopper (http://appshopper.com/iphone/games/)
    This is true. I mean, I don't know what kind of gamer I am. I have all the consoles (inc Mac and PC), all the major games, all the games that I've ever been vaguely interested in. I love Team Fortress 2, GTA (barring 4), Pokemon, Mario, HALO 1, Left 4 Dead, Final Fantasy. I bought an iPod touch 4G just for gaming and portable internetting.

    So hopefully that quickly gets across what kind of gamer I am; I enjoy games regardless of their manufacturer and developer.

    But. There's just something not right with the iPod for gaming. It's got the tech and some good software. I bought around 60 games for it, I have 20-30 for my PSP and DS respectively bought over the course of 6 years. Yet at night when I'm winding down I don't play the iPod - I go to the dedicated consoles. Maybe it's the tactile controls, maybe it's the better speakers, higher quality of games. But something pulls me away from iOS. On-screen butts are not a good way of controlling a game, it's just a reminder that buttons work (for most game genres).

    I had to lol at the person who brought up gaming in queues at Costco. That's when I whip out my iPod for a bit of Angry Birds (unlocked the 4 hour achievement last time I played!). :D

    You mean you actually do something productive with your life, and not spend all your resources playing... a game.

    Be proud of this.
    So I guess you don't watch movies, TV shows, go to the pub/bar, visit museums or browse the inte...
    Hmmm ;)
    What's it like doing nothing but productivity all day? I tried that for around a year. It brought me really bad RSI and I completely burnt myself out. Not a fun way to live.

    easter cupcakes ideas. EASTER CUPCAKES and PRETTY

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:43 PM
    This sounds like you're under the mistaken impression that hackers are members of some kind of organization or ranking.... they're not. They are, for the most part, quite independent. There's no such thing as "Hacker, Class 3" or "Hacker, Class 1". Also, not all hackers write malware and not all malware writers are hackers. The more you offer such statements, the more you reveal that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    lol, sorry........I can't get into this but you are SO wrong its not true.

    there are governments around the world employing people to do this kind of thing.

    Sep 12, 06:03 PM
    and this was a smart move on Steve's part. He is trying to garner support for his movie download service, just like a producer would try and hedge his/her film to a few different production companies.

    Makes people more excited about the possibilities ahead. Which in tun production companies will want to jump on the bandwagon and reap some of the benefits.

    The preview wasn't for you and me per se. It was for Universal, Paramount, MGM, & Fox to see just how interested the market is in such a peripheral. Steve's got their attention now.

    Apr 30, 03:07 AM
    Another one...

    You didn't even read that article did you?

    Those "servers": each server has two Intel Quad-Core Processors running at 50W, 24GB of memory and a 120GB disk drive. Sounds like a nicely packed PC doesn't it?

    No, it sounds like a server. Nicely packed PCs haven't had two sockets for a few years now.

    They are built in a way so they can work 24/7 for years without overheating. At home I use a dual Xeon setup. You know what's a Xeon right? So... if it's a server chip how come do I have it on my desktop PC??

    It's a server/workstation chip and what you have is a workstation. If it has two sockets with four cores each, let alone 24 gig of memory, it is *not* a desktop PC.

    Oct 10, 01:10 PM

    Great to see you fighting the good fight!


    As true as it is that the G4 is slower than most of its compeditiors, when it is performing as bad as the numbers that some people have posted here then I can just about assure you that the Mac is at a severe software disadvantage. I mean really, look at the specs of a G4, the worst case performance delta between it and a top-of-the-line PC should be maybe 4x or 5x, not these 10x and higher numbers. There are very few situations when a G4 should do less work per clock than a P4.

    So lets try to remain realistic here. It is virtually gaurenteed that the actual performance potential of a 1.25ghz G4 falls between that of a 1.3ghz P4 and the 2.8ghz P4.

    Almost forgot to talk about SPEC. Some time ago, the only SPEC results that I know of for Macs were obtained by c't:


    In these they showed the G4 was more or less the same speed as a P3 of equal clock (1.0ghz) in the integer tests, when both where done done with GCC. Intel's compiler can give the P3 at 30% edge or something, so we know that the quality of compiler is hurting the G4 here. It is not fair to look at SPEC and declare other chips to be a zillion times faster than the G4, simply because they are all using very good compilers whereas Apple is stuck with GCC. Apple is working to improve GCC however, so things may get better.

    (In SPEC FP the G4 get beat worse, I might add. Compilers played a role for sure, but can't explain the whole loss.)

    Sep 26, 07:16 AM
    I'll be holding my Mac Pro purchase off for a while...

    Now that I think about it, an 8-core system would work great when 10.5 arrives. Imagine using the "Spaces" feature in Leopard and each space running a separate application. A Mac with this much power would be perfect doing such a task.;)

    Sep 20, 09:59 AM
    This is good news. When they announced it, I was pretty convinced they weren't talking about a box that required an additional computer, although USB storage or a dedicated server box seemed likely based upon the absense of evidence for an in-built hard disk.

    So it's actually confirmed it can be used standalone. The missing piece is complete. This is iTunes for the rest of us. For those who don't want cable, who want to be able to subscribe to (and fund) specific TV shows and order movies on demand, this is for you. No computer required. Go home, flop on the couch, and watch what you want. Want something more powerful? Well, it'll integrate with your computers and presumably if someone wants to create devices that export iTunes libraries, like some sort of networked DVR, then it'll work with that too.

    Wonderful. This deserves to be a success.

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