Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

japanese maple leaves tattoo

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  • sawah
    Mar 18, 08:49 AM
    Some of the responses on this thread are really amusing.

    The people who are defending AT&T's actions are either astroturfing shills, or dolts.

    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    The way that the current data plans are priced and more importantly *marketed* to customers, charging for tethering is double charging for data.

    The correct thing to do would be to have multiple (at least 3) tiers of data and stop differentiating between tethered service. If the tetherers are using too much data then charge them appropriately. What AT&T is currently doing is telling you that you can use up to 2GB of data, and then trying to charge you extra when they see that you might actually use that much (due to tethering).

    I don't agree with some of at&t's policies such as this. BUT I signed their contract and I abide by them. If you didn't like what you were signing and weren't planning on following it, you shouldn't have signed it.

    They are NOT charging you extra to use the 2 gigs of data, they are charging you extra to use the data on a different device. I'm not sure how you feel like you are entitled to use it wherever you want. They are a cell phone company. If you want home internet, call a internet company.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. Japanese maple leaf
  • Japanese maple leaf

  • rxse7en
    Oct 11, 06:34 AM
    If Apple wants to be aggressive, it will happen next month. But if they don't, it could be as late as January. I am sitting on a large pile of cash to buy one the day they are added to the configure page. Love the Dell Screens. They have refurbished 30" models for $1349 now. :eek: :)

    I know no one here likes to read my stories of inadequate power, but even with the Quad G5 and that cheap 2GHz Dual Core G5 I picked up at Fry's, I still have to put my Multi-Threaded Workload into a Queue that all runs much slower than it will with 8 cores. I am very excited about the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro.
    I was one click away from buying a refurb 2.66 Mac Pro last evening and decided to wait until next month to see what Apple brings to the table. I've sold off my Quicksilver, Pismo, G4 AL 'book, and G4 Mini and picked up a MBP and MB now all I need is a new tower and my Intel transition is complete. Aside from the lack of UB CS2 apps it's been a great transition.

    Now I have to get rid of two 21" Viewsonic CRTs and upgrade my displays. I was able to check out the Dell 24" display and it's pretty sweet, but on Friday Costco will have the Viewsonic 22" LCDs on sale for $300 each. For the less than the price of a 24" I could pick up two 22" LCDs. Granted they are lower resolution, but I think the extra monitor makes up for that missing real estate. Any feedback on this is appreciated.


    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo.
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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 22, 08:56 PM
    Because it's harder to imagine that an intelligent designer had a hand in it than it is to imagine that everything happened by chance?

    The odds favor chance.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo.
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo.

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 10, 02:21 AM
    Originally posted by javajedi
    Someone inquired about the benchmark Java console program I created:

    It's located at http://members.ij.net/javajedi

    I've also included the source (FPMathTest.java) for the curious.


    That was me. :)

    Thanks. See above post for my results. I even ported your Java code to C# (so similar, it scared me!) and got slightly lower numbers.

    8152, 8151, 8162, 8142, 8172, 8142, 8161, 8152... all for a final average of 8154.25.

    [edit: whoa, recently got 7891... running it more to average]
    [edit #2: 7891, 7892, 7902, 7891, 7882, 7892, 7882, 7881... all for a final average of 7889.125]

    You may have the source code/binary to test on your Windows computer (or Linux, with Mono; or BSD, with Microsoft's ROTOR)--just give me a hoot.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. Dragons, and maple leaves.
  • Dragons, and maple leaves.

  • ATD
    Sep 26, 03:52 PM
    Intel has a prototype CPU with 80 [yes Eighty] cores that they claim will be in production systems in 5 years (eighty cores each at 3.16 GHz)


    :D Now that's a render farm!!

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  • theBB
    Sep 12, 07:34 PM
    Where? The pics I saw looked like power, Ethernet, HDMI and 5 RCA jacks for component out?

    Between ethernet and power.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaves tattoo.
  • japanese maple leaves tattoo.

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 08:45 AM
    Uh, not even close. Nice try though.

    Good lord, you so far away from the point that you may never find it. Holy crap.

    Those darn little desktop computers are never going to replace our minicomputers! They're little toys! *SNORT*

    Yeah. Those machines that they were running to create Avatar? They aren't PCs, smart guy.

    Those minicomputers will NEVER be able to do the work of our mainframes! Enjoy your toys!

    Another one...

    You didn't even read that article did you?

    Those "servers": each server has two Intel Quad-Core Processors running at 50W, 24GB of memory and a 120GB disk drive. Sounds like a nicely packed PC doesn't it?
    oh wait...
    What IS a server??

    Definition: A network server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client) computers over a local network or the Internet.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo.
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo.

  • Demoman
    Sep 12, 07:43 PM
    What do you think? Is this going to be part of a component system which may included a Blue-Ray, DVD, Mini...system stackable and user configurable?

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • Lennholm
    May 2, 02:03 PM
    That's the thing, though. It's not only old software that behaves this way. There are all kinds of modern software that require administrator access to run. One of the biggest ones I can think are games... typically those with some sort of anti-hack system.

    MS has done nothing to discourage developers from writing their software to work this way and it's unfortunate.

    They have done nothing to discourage it? Well, they introduced an annoying pop-up asking for confirmation that makes the developers customers frustrated. Any suggestion what other meaningful action they can take?
    Also, I can't think of any application I have installed on my Windows PC that behaves like this.

    When I first started using a Mac seriously, which was when Vista was out and got criticized for UAC, I was really surprised to discover that OS X has the exact same thing. In Windows 7 you not only have the option to switch it on and off, you can also customize the intrusiveness of it, I find it much more user friendly than in OS X.
    I think a lot of people here need to actually try Windows 7 out instead of categorically dismiss it.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo.
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo.

  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 04:08 PM
    Greenpeace are terrorists.


    Why the vitriol against Greenpeace? It appears that a lot of people on this forum HATE them. What have they done to deserve this?

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • r0k
    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    The OP was not banned. Just check the 1st post of this thread to see the OP is still around.

    Doh! That's what I get for repeating something I read in a forum without checking it out for myself. Sure enough, clicking on the OP user name reveals they posted as recently as yesterday. :o Oops!

    Edit (updated info): I got this thread mixed up with the "mac vs pc spec for spec thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=660203)". It was the OP in that thread that was banned. Double Oops!

    Your comment about "suffering with 7 all day" is surprising to me. I don't know if I've seen Windows 7 experience a full OS crash. And I've been toying with Win 7 since it was in beta.

    Sure, it ain't perfect, but I find Win 7 pretty darn efficient overall. I haven't encountered any OS related issues with 7 yet. Application quirks, sure, but not really any OS problems.

    I'd say OS X and Win 7 are much more comparable than Vista or XP.

    Again, it comes down mostly to what you need a computer to do.

    Cheers, all.

    Actually I should mention that it's not simply 7 I'm suffering with. It's the crap our IT people do to 7 that I'm suffering with. I can't watch any Youtube video without freezes and pauses and the applications they make us use should be outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment.

    One of the biggest annoyances I brought on myself by dragging my start button to the top of the screen so it would look more "Mac like". I wound up fighting with it day in day out as it overlaid window controls and refused to get out of the way. Once I dragged it back where "it belongs", my life got a lot easier.

    Granted I can move my dock around in OS X at least the OS X menu bar stays where it belongs and I never get into conflicts where some window control I need is hiding off the edge of the screen or behind the menu bar. OTOH, the dock gets in my way any time I'm near the bottom of the window I'm using. I should really do something about it.

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  • Skull and Maple leaves

  • Aduntu
    Apr 15, 12:27 PM
    Deuteronomy 22:23-24

    "If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city."

    Just to clarify: the latter passage says that if a woman is raped in a city, she must be stoned to death.

    I realize this is off topic, but I felt compelled to reply.

    You've taken that completely out of context. The point is that a person being raped, while conscious and aware of the situation, would do everything they could to stop it from happening. By not screaming, did she do all she could to keep it from happening? The verse right after that gives an example of a woman in the country, instead of in the city. She is raped, but makes an effort to scream in order to attract help from someone, but there is no one else around to hear her screams. If a person is being raped but doesn't try to resist or call for help, can she really be compared to the one that did call for help?

    This is by no means intended to be all inclusive, but demonstrates that there were in fact protections in the law for those who were raped and not those having sex while not married and claiming to be raped.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • arn
    Oct 25, 10:27 PM
    Intel is really making Apple quick with those revisions...

    seems unlikely that Clovertown would replace the current Mac Pros... just add another high end config.


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  • japanese maple leaf tattoo.

  • IntelliUser
    Apr 15, 10:23 AM
    Whats the line in the sand? Are Gay men, simply men who find other men attractive? Do they share partial brain chemistry similar to a woman? Are some Gay Men "women trapped in men's bodies"? None of the above? We havent walked in their shoes...so defining what IS and ISNT a disease is pretty ignorant. glad we're all talking about these issues though...stay well friend and keep posting! :)

    As long as they have a penis, gay men are men. Just like this (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/06/article-0-027FFAE600000578-658_468x657.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1052934/Cat-Man--human-tiger-enjoys-climbing-trees-eats-raw-meat-day.html&usg=__Ab-ZG2dpwk5CloR7Ey8dB0Cy2K4=&h=657&w=468&sz=114&hl=en&start=0&sig2=zhq5-T3iRhJWvKy7Hwtz-A&zoom=1&tbnid=17KAnJDFBLLCWM:&tbnh=156&tbnw=118&ei=VWKoTYalI9Gq8APuw_3LCg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcat%2Bman%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D999%26bih%3D1033%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=131&vpy=102&dur=3662&hovh=266&hovw=189&tx=85&ty=130&oei=VWKoTYalI9Gq8APuw_3LCg&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0) guy is a man, no matter how hard he tries not to be. Thinking otherwise is a sign of delusion, of a mental problem. And psychiatrists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity_disorder) agree with that.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. If the tattoo is in a private
  • If the tattoo is in a private

  • charliehustle
    Oct 8, 12:18 PM
    Actually, to a degree it is...

    huh? how so?
    so because a Ferrari has better quality, it will sell larger numbers than a Honda Civic that more people can afford..
    I don't believe you

    Yea, just like Microsoft did... whoops...

    Traditionally, Microsoft aimed Windows Mobile at corporations that wanted Windows as a standard across PCs and handhelds

    you're using the failure of one company as an excuse for another one..
    different people, different enterprise..
    Using that logic, apple should not even be making computers, due to their fall down prior to being saved by the ipod..

    Microsoft is not Google..
    How many microsoft apps do you use on your iphone? Do you use them more than Google products?
    I bet you use Google maps, Google search.

    Microsoft taking an open hardware approach has very little to do with their success. Its a side affect. A coincidence. Look at the video game market for further proof. MS doesn't take the desktop approach with the X-box - they parleyed their gaming successes on Windows to ease developers onto a closed hardware device. Nintendo has done that for years with their franchise characters. You cannot get a more closed ecosystem than Video games - and they are continuously successful. Even MS exploits closed ecosystems and they are finally making a profit (they would have earlier if they could have released a hardware system that wasn't so defective).

    the point I was trying to make was more of a business plan compared to open or closed. I guess people are assuming all these phones are going to be priced the same (apple vs others), I highly doubt that..

    in the business world, there are different markets and demographics, and yes, the iphone does well across the board, but you have to look at everything including price, cost of plans, and so on..

    you might not see kids in grade 8 getting iphones, because their parents dont' want spend that that much money,
    you can have a number of different situations.. but apple only has one product, and they're trying to market it toward everyone..

    google will be positioned better to target different demographics compared to apple..

    what if a user wants actual buttons to type on (yes people like that still do exist) how can apple make any money off them?
    essentially, apple just lost a customer, and you can't make assumptions that all people want full touch screens..

    some people might not like the look of the iphone,

    google is giving people a choice of which handset they want, and this will result in them selling a higher number of phones..

    Insulting people does not help your case.

    It just bothers me when people have a very biased and closed minded opinions when it comes to apple..
    I wasn't talking about anyone specifically, so sorry if I offended anyone..

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo.
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  • Redneck1089
    Aug 29, 12:30 PM
    Greenpeace can shove it.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • Sirmausalot
    Apr 13, 05:49 AM
    A professional is someone who makes money from their work. So someone who gets paid for a project they make in iMovie is a professional. Perhaps you need to make a living at it though to be a true professional :-)

    As for Final Cut Pro X, jury is still definitely out. We all need to try it, make sure the features we still need are there and make sure the new features don't make our computers crash.

    No mention of delivery (DVD Studio Pro or Compressor functions) nor enough information about sound editing. So again, the jury is still far, far out.

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 08:37 PM
    Poor archbishop Tomasi hasn't been able to accept that the public is increasingly appalled with his church's stance on sex and that the public is increasingly offended by his church's continuing attempts to impose its beliefs on the general public.

    We will ride out this storm just as we rode out the last, the one before that etc

    japanese maple leaves tattoo. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • firestarter
    Mar 15, 07:38 AM
    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population

    That's a failure of the German politicians to make a case for nuclear power there (although I imagine that Germany has good potential for hydropower and other renewables).

    I think that the opposite could be said for the UK. Over the last few years opinion has turned more pro nuclear. In contrast to Merkel, Cameron turned the Japanese situation into a positive - saying that the UK could 'learn lessons' and make nuclear even safer.

    Jul 13, 04:47 AM
    I know what Symetrical Multi-Processing is. Thanks.

    Aw you just ruined his fun.:rolleyes:

    I think he has that in a text document and just copies and pastes it at will to argue semantics in threads largely unconcerned with them... heh.

    Bow down to the all knowing, condescending poster with the gay porn actor's name. :eek: :p

    Apr 5, 06:03 PM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    How are the above 2 things done on a Mac?

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    Recent items are "today, yesterday, and past week." I checked with the 'finder' and a document showed up yesterday without accessing my documents folder. Hope this helps, as you sound computer savvy!

    Oct 8, 09:24 AM
    The only reason I could see this happening is if Apple doesn't roll out the iPhone to other carriers or if it does so late in 2011 or something.

    I could also see Google making more unit sales but with lower revenue (i.e. more low-end units).

    I think the point will be moot because of the gazillion different iterations of hardware manufacturers tacking on their individualized stuff.

    Apr 13, 08:38 AM
    Not having seen FCPX first hand I will completely withhold judgement on the app until I do.

    But I will make the observation that it seems for some, the price point is what makes this app "less" pro. The fact that more people can get it and call themselves video or film editors when they are no more an editor than someone who buys a tool set at Lowe's is a mechanic.

    Having the tools doesn't mean you know how to use them - but with more people having the tools thinking they do - the value of those that REALLY do can be affected if it appears that "anyone" can do it.

    Apr 9, 11:59 AM
    I am firmly against poaching executives. They should always be deep-fried.

    Bah! Stir-frying is better! Healthier too.

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