Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

kim kardashian wallpapers latest

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  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 12:56 PM
    It's an unlimited iPhone data plan.

    iPhone data plan. True

    Not an unlimited iPhone + tethering data plan.

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  • everettmarshall
    Apr 13, 08:38 AM
    Not having seen FCPX first hand I will completely withhold judgement on the app until I do.

    But I will make the observation that it seems for some, the price point is what makes this app "less" pro. The fact that more people can get it and call themselves video or film editors when they are no more an editor than someone who buys a tool set at Lowe's is a mechanic.

    Having the tools doesn't mean you know how to use them - but with more people having the tools thinking they do - the value of those that REALLY do can be affected if it appears that "anyone" can do it.

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  • M-O
    Apr 28, 08:21 AM
    It's no. 1 with PCs excluded.

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  • Huntn
    Apr 23, 10:39 PM
    This goes back to an earlier discussion where people were talking about the kinds of atheists that are out there. I've run into very few (none) who would describe themselves in the way you describe. And again, proving "a lack" of God is proving a negative, a logical fallacy.

    Most atheists are open-minded people, besieged by people of faith who though out history have made countless claims of deities and demons. All we ask is for some form of proof before we commit ourselves to accepting those claims. If requiring proof is your definition of faith, then you don't agree with the dictionary. But if it makes you feel better, then by all means, call it whatever you like.

    As an Agnostic, my take is that I don't know enough to believe or not believe, but to remain non-committal. I am repeating myself, but if I live in a room with no doors or windows, I'm not about to say there is nothing outside the room. The only reasonable answer is "I don't know what is there." I do admit to feeling spiritual, but I feel no compunction to claim any truth associated with my feelings. :D

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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 9, 12:04 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    Hey the more games the better. Who knows they might have the next great thing.....

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  • SamEdwards
    May 13, 05:45 PM
    I was looking into the MicroCell because I get tons of dropped calls in my apartment even though I have 4/5 bars. The AT&T employee told me that the Edge network is much less crowded in our area, Santa Monica, CA so you get far less dropped calls. Go to /settings/general/network and turn 'Enable 3G' off.
    So far so good.
    Since the majority of my problems are at home and I have wifi here it's a reasonable short term solution while they build more towers in our area later this year. Of course I can always turn 3G back on when I'm away from home and want to use the internet capabilities of the phone.
    Love to know how it works for others.

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  • benixau
    Oct 10, 12:07 PM
    maybe, anyway I tell my buddies that a mac works. It is great to have all that speed but here is a thought:

    I have a PC that is really 5x as fast as a mac
    I spend 5x as long setting it up as i do the mac
    I am also 5x less productive on it then a mac as it keeps breaking

    I may not be a great mathematician but 5x5 = 25. 25x less usable than a mac. Personal experience proves this.

    Long Live King Mac!! Long Live King Mac!!

    For the dark side to wonder at how easy I get my life done

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  • Stridder44
    Sep 20, 03:33 AM
    Look at your hard drive usage, Music takes up a significant amount of it. Why does it need to be kept on your local machine if iTV provides a network?

    Thats an interesting point. I dont know though, something makes me cringe about not having my prized music library on my own computer (fear of losing it I guess?)

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  • phantomsd
    Jun 19, 10:51 PM
    Haven't experienced a dropped call yet... then again, I barely use my minutes.


    I've been noticing A LOT of 3G dropped signal/reception lately. The bars just disappear... then "Searching..." appears then its back to full bars again.

    Get your act together AT&T... you're gonna have possibly 1 MIL+ iPhones on the network come the 24th. :confused:

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:47 PM
    Color lets you make absurdly complex adjustments to a scene like a hollywood colorist-- in realtime-- 16 effective secondaries.. This has nothing like that.

    I know what grading is. Prove to me that this App has no grading capability.

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  • jchung
    Mar 18, 12:16 PM
    Check out this post on modmyi.com - http://modmyi.com/forums/iphone-news/755094-t-cracking-down-mywi-tethering.html#post5900780

    AT&T is just trying to bully people into the tethering plan.

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  • Kissaragi
    Apr 6, 09:14 AM
    Theres alway the 14 day return period too if you dont like your mac.

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  • AtomBoy
    Oct 7, 07:49 PM
    This is my first post but I think I can comment on this thread because my wife and I use both a Mac and a PC in our business.

    People get hung up on bench tests but, for me, the real 'speed' difference between a Mac and a PC is uptime.

    When my wife's hogging the Mac and I'm stuck on the PC she will be sailing through her work while I'm having to to reboot every couple of hours or so. While the PC is stalling and crashing, the Mac just keeps on working. Benchmarks, more often than not, deal in seconds whereas crashes and reboots are wasting minutes at a time.

    On the whole, I use resource-intensive programs, for image/video/audio editing. If I used mainly office programs or if I was a gamer, I'd probably stick to a PC for reasons of cost.

    As it is, I'm simply waiting for G5 developements next year to do away with the last PC I'll ever own.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 13, 12:40 PM
    What genius decides to make a pro app accessible to the masses? We who use FCP have to make money from our business, so we need a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make our business needed, otherwise our clients will just get a 16 year old in off the street, download FCP (sorry imovie Pro or whatever they have decided to call it) and there you go we are out of work!

    So basically what you are saying is that you are a two bit hack and a kid with just an ounce of creativity can easily replace you because any kid can afford a $300 program, whereas a $900 one keeps them artificially out of the game.

    The really ironic thing about your post is that FCP 1.0 was a cost revolution itself bringing video editing to he masses for really the first time ever, which you took advantage of. Now that Apple is doing it again and you are at risk you seemingly outraged.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:15 AM
    I don't believe you. I use applications that want 3-4 cores EACH. And I need to run 2-4 of them simultaneously. No way is Apple going to ship dual Clovertowns if they provide no benefit. I think AppliedVisual also does not believe you. In other words:

    You may be mistaken.

    Looks like others have addressed it, but OSX along with the Tiger kernel updates, scales pretty good. Every bit as good as any Linux implementation and probably as good or better than WinXP.

    They will ship Clovertowns as soon as they can... As I've said, it's a software issue, so know your software before you choose 8-core vs. 4-core. But there's plenty of software out their that can benefit from the 8-core system. Like I've said, Photoshop itself isn't multithreaded/multi-core capable directly, but various plug-ins are. It's also possible to spread multiple batch instances across CPU cores, so even though much of our current software is limited (or just plain multi-core ignorant), there's still ways to utilize the multiple cores within just about any production workflow.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 21, 12:16 PM
    I hope they weren't pulling our leg when they said that movies are going "World-wide" in 2007. Let's hope that means TV shows, and bloody stores too. Cause quite frankly Apple needs to get their act together with this European stuff already!! I thought this was meant to be a global economy? It seems these days, and before these days too, that all Apple cares about market wise, is the UK and the US. I like both of those places myself, and I wish them look with Apple related stuff in the future. I think us Irish, and all other European countires needs a little more than look right now. To be realistic, and personally I can only speak for my country. Ireland needs at least "4" fully fledged FLAGSHIP Apple stores. One in Belfast, one in Dublin, one in Waterford (where I live, the fastest growing city in Ireland), and one in Cork, "HERE" (http://www.landacleary.com/Ireland%20Map.jpg) as of right now with the current economic state of the country and the current populous. They need to start by putting an Apple store in Dublin this year, and roll out the other "3" stores in 2007. The whole situation with Apple and Europe seems at this stage to me to be a joke. It's actually hard to believe that a company on such a rise like Apple seems to be ignoring most European counties...:( It's a disgrace! And is inexcusable IMO. Get your bloody act together Apple. I'm not joking when I say, someone at Apple needs a good kick up the arse!!

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 27, 04:30 PM
    But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field. If someone proves that Nicolosi is mistaken, maybe no one will need to attack him.

    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?

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  • einmusiker
    Mar 18, 01:16 PM
    I'd like to see some kind of evidence that they can prove people are doing unauthorized tethering. You won't be seeing it so they really have nothing to charge you for. All we've heard so far is speculation and nothing more

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 18, 10:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What we need need to do is to use our rights to their maximum amount. If you are on the so-called unlimited plan, download all that you can until you reach 4.5 GB per month (as shown by myAtt.app). Also, download during the day if possible, to cost them even more for peak usage. Leaving data on the table every month is for suckers.

    Oct 9, 05:51 PM
    Bottom line.......Macs are over priced....we just keep buying them and so why would the accountants want to change that gig?

    Oct 7, 12:45 PM
    Erm.. you're being closed minded.

    Oct 12, 06:09 PM
    Just to keep the numbers rolling:

    May 2, 04:56 PM
    Again, look, if you're not interested in the mechanics, that's fine. Stop replying to me.

    My post is inquiring about the mechanics. For the past hour, I've been trying to find how this thing ticks by searching around for in-depth articles (none to find, everyone just points to Intego's brief overview that is seriously lacking in details) or for the archive itself.

    If you don't want to take this discussion to the technical level I am trying to take it, just don't participate.

    The Javascript exploit injected code into the Safari process to cause the download of a payload. That payload was the installer. (EDIT: the Javascript code did not exploit a vulnerability in Safari).

    The installer is marked as safe to auto-execute if "open safe files after downloading" is turned on.

    An installer is used to trick users to authenticate because the malware does not include privilege escalation via exploitation.

    If you had any technical knowledge you could have figured that out yourself via the Intego article.

    I don't know of any other Web browser (this is not a OS problem, it's a Safari problem) that automatically assumes executables are safe and thus should be auto-executed.

    Installers being marked as safe really doesn't increase the likelihood of user level access as any client-side exploit provides user level access. I don't understand why you are hung up on this installer being able to auto-execute; it really makes no difference in terms of user level access. The attacker could have deleted your files with just an exploit that provides user level access.

    What does Webkit2 have anything to do with running an installer on the OS after downloading it ? That happens outside the rendering engine's sandbox. You're not quite understanding what this sandbox does if you think this protects you against these types of attacks.

    Webkit2 will prevent user level access via an exploit. Preventing these types of attacks is the intended purpose of sandboxing.

    Apr 22, 06:34 PM
    I was in the same boat as the OP a few years back. My circumstances and motivations in learning OS X were a bit than the OP's. I've learned a good deal about OS X. The things it can and can't do and how it differs from Windows.

    So some of the stuff in this thread I knew about, but the one that I still can't figure out is switching between all windows. Everyone says just use CMD + ~. However when I do that on my iMac, all I get is a switch between windows in a particular application. I'm using the Apple standard wired keyboard with numberpad.

    In Windows, ATL + Tab switches between all windows (and it shows you the windows in a preview much like CMD + Tab does with applications).

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