Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

obama bin laden shirt

obama bin laden shirt. Photo: #President Barack Obama
  • Photo: #President Barack Obama

  • rdowns
    Apr 15, 12:45 PM
    Those priests obviously weren't celibate, then.

    Yes, it really does suck that there are bad people everywhere.

    I know, right? You can't blame the Catholic Church because some of their chosen leaders like to diddle children. Sickos are bound to be found even in the most pristine of institutions.

    What really sucks is how the leaders of the Catholic Church covered up this abuse and allowed it to continue. Surely they will burn in hell over that.

    obama bin laden shirt. Bin Laden journal seized
  • Bin Laden journal seized

  • rikers_mailbox
    Sep 20, 03:03 AM
    If Iger is correct and iTV has a hard drive.. then I beleive iTV could serve as an external iTunes Library server/device. Authorized computers can access and manage it using iTunes (running as a client). iTS downloads, podcasts, imported physical CDs, etc would all be stored on iTV.

    Look at your hard drive usage, Music takes up a significant amount of it. Why does it need to be kept on your local machine if iTV provides a network?

    obama bin laden shirt. Bin Laden had been killed,
  • Bin Laden had been killed,

  • Truffy
    Apr 20, 09:32 AM
    When you close a window via the famous "X" to the top left of the window, technically it is not closed, as you must officially close the window from the dock or reopen the window and select "quit 'x' app." Underneath the dock there is a circular light informing you that the app is still open. This experience, while it is petty, has caused slight grief. I was use to the absolutism of closing the program the first time by clicking 'X.'
    CMD+Q does the same thing, either from within the app, or when it's highlighted when using CMD+TAB to cycle between open apps.

    obama bin laden shirt. an Osama in Laden T-shirt
  • an Osama in Laden T-shirt

  • leekohler
    Apr 23, 08:42 AM
    Hey- Macs "just work" right? Well, a lot of us apply that motto to our lives. For most of us, religion does not "just work". But people can believe what they want.

    obama bin laden shirt. A mug and t-shirt trumpeting
  • A mug and t-shirt trumpeting

  • steadysignal
    May 3, 07:24 AM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    funny how your post is at -19.

    obama bin laden shirt. T-shirts slogans includes
  • T-shirts slogans includes

  • Macist
    Feb 26, 05:20 AM
    The thing is, do Apple care about being outpaced sales-wise? They may just be content to make their products smoother and sexier than the better Android phones and be the Mercedes.

    If they want to be in the sales race they need to get the 32MB iPhone free on �30 per month contract like other top-end smart phones, not �230 on a �35 per month contract. As Android and Maemo and tothers improve that massve Apple tax won't wash.

    They also need an iPhone nano to compete with the HTC hero type phones.

    obama bin laden shirt. U.S. President Barack Obama
  • U.S. President Barack Obama

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 13, 10:42 AM
    So we have the usual posts from those who follow the old

    iPod.. sucks
    iPhone.. sucks
    iMac/book/pro.. sucks
    iTunes ... sucks
    iOS/OSX.. sucks
    iPad.. sucks
    and now FCPX.. sucks

    which has gone on since we can all remember, and all from people so convinced of their own self importance they actually think other people care..

    but quite interestingly they have also changed track from

    'My Dell/HP/Asus can do almost as much as a mac and it only cost half the price!!'

    Which has become harder to say as Apple's market share has grown, and then became completely redundant since the launch of the iPad made competitors weep, so their only line now is.

    'Apple's selling it really cheap cos they're just dumbing it down....and I'm such a 'pro'.......".

    So yes it sucks, and yes it's really dumb!

    and the rational and intelligent people will buy it because it will be a quality product that has the Apple 'just works' magic...

    obama bin laden shirt. Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama
  • Osama Bin Laden dead: Obama

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 21, 12:09 PM
    That's great! I want to put 4GB in my 8-core Mac Pro anyway, so I hope the price lingers there (or maybe even falls a little by the time I can get an octo core). I'd buy now, but I'd rather hold out on the chance that it'll drop a little more, or even on the longshot that they'd change what kind of modules the new machines use.

    I doubt anything with the Mac Pro will change (other than the CPUs) when the 8-core models ship. Intel originally was very committed to using the FB-DIMM type RAM in their systems for the next couple years. However, they have since backtracked on that and said that they will continue to explore other options. Who knows what that means... I thik it means that we'll probably see DDR3 on mid-range systems in '07, probably in notebooks as well at some point mid to late year. But I would guess that for the foreseeable future, FB-DIMM is the standard for Xeon workstations and servers, so Mac Pro and XServer should continue with this type of RAM for a while. When Intel finally shifts to the new 45nm process sometime mid/late next year, then all bets are off as they will need to increase bandwidth for both the RAM and FSB to keep in step with CPU growth.

    obama bin laden shirt. osama in laden weed
  • osama in laden weed

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 06:33 PM

    BTW, the system call for that local in OS X was no longer needed so it was removed from OS X. It was only used by 32 bit processes.

    Bugs are not flaws in a security model. They have nothing to do with "Unix security" being better. Stop hammering that point, it's not even valid.

    obama bin laden shirt. Obama Got Osama T-Shirt (White
  • Obama Got Osama T-Shirt (White

  • Steve Jobless
    Sep 12, 04:26 PM
    any pictures?

    obama bin laden shirt. in laden dialysis. osama in
  • in laden dialysis. osama in

  • reel2reel
    Apr 13, 07:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The whole "iMovie Pro" thing is so unimaginative and boring. My guess is the whiners are the ones who don't actually use FCP for anything other than YouTube noise anyway. In the real world, though, editors and filmmakers are very excited. FCP has been a stagnant bug-fest for too long.

    obama bin laden shirt. Osama Bin Laden Dead Obama
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead Obama

  • totoum
    Apr 13, 11:58 AM
    Folks who are criticizing people who are expressing their concern about the new version, please read this post.

    I thought it was mentioned that all keyboard shortcuts were still there so I don't get what the concern in that post is about

    obama bin laden shirt. Inside in Laden#39;s Compound
  • Inside in Laden#39;s Compound

    Sep 25, 11:36 PM

    obama bin laden shirt. in laden training camp.
  • in laden training camp.

  • VPrime
    Apr 6, 05:46 PM
    My main issues when I switched was no
    -cut/paste files in finder.
    -No maximise window
    -red x didnt quit program.
    -enter/return renames instead of opens
    -No directory location bar in finder (to tell you the folder structure/where you are)
    -Plus a few more that were already mentioned

    But after a few weeks all the problems went away. These "issues" are not really issues, it is just a different OS and you are still in the windows mindset. Once you accept things are different you learn and adapt.

    Cut and paste in finder, sure it would be handy sometimes.. But the UI of OSX is built around an alternative. you can click and drag any file, hold t over a location and the folders spring open. Its not a perfect replacement (sometimes quite slower) but it gets the job done.
    Or you just get accustomed to having more windows open and drag between them (usually the case especially because expose is awesome)..
    This being said, I still want cut/paste in finder.. But the alternative is quite usable.

    -Maximize.. Really this is just a different OS. You cant expect it to behave the same way. OSX is a great multi tasking OS. Having multiple windows open is much easier to manage (especially because of tools like expose). The "maximise" is really a fit window to contents button. It will increase the window size to make sure everything fits. So a web page will get as big as it needs to fit with out scrolling... The only problem I have with this is that it isn't consistent with every app.. Some programs don't enlarge the window to fit the contents. It is up to the developer.
    But after using it for a few weeks you get used to it, and actually like it comapred to taking up the full screen (usually...).

    -return/enter renaming.. This is just a different OS. you have to re learn some hot keys. It's the way of life. Instead of enter, you press command+o.

    -No Directory path... Well there is. inside of finder you can turn on 2 options. One to show the folder structure at the bottom of the finder window (like a status bar) and navigate up/down a folder tree. open up finder, go to View> select show PAth bar.
    2. customize the finder tool bar and add a path icon. This adds a trop down button which shows the path and lets you jump back.
    3. Terminal command which shows the directory path right at the top of a finder window. This replaces the current directory name with the path.

    Really, there are changes. Some annoying, but that comes with the territory . You are using a different OS after all. Most of the annoyances or frustrations are early on and mainly because you are not familiar with the OS. But after survive them, you really do tend to work faster and more efficient in OS X.

    I have been a windows user since 3.1, grew up with windows. Windows was work.
    But A few years ago I took the dive and switched to OSX.. I love every second of it and don't think I will ever go back to using windows full time..
    My brother who was even a big gamer and used windows exclusively.. even said he would never use another OS full time other than windows (used linux ont he side..) has switched to OSX. Bought a macbook for school (due to large battery and build quality). Now he plans to buy an iMac to replace his desktop because he likes OSX so much (which he didn't at first).

    obama bin laden shirt. The death of Osama in Laden
  • The death of Osama in Laden

  • skunk
    Mar 14, 04:09 PM
    what they went through was unprecedented, and beyond the worst case scenarios they were designed for, so if the accident is fully contained (which unfortunately seems less likely as time goes by) the whole system should be commended.Trouble with this argument is that if everything goes completely tits-up with any other kind of power station, the results are indeed containable, but in the case of a nuclear power station, the results can be catastrophically bad. It is taking a worst case scenario to a whole different level.

    obama bin laden shirt. Obama Bin Laden
  • Obama Bin Laden

  • appleguy123
    Mar 24, 08:35 PM
    I didn't realize that the Catholic Church had an irrational fear of homosexuals. Since the Catholic Church has an irrational fear of homosexuals could you please help me figure out the growing outreach (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courage_International) to homosexuals?

    You can't be serious.
    We don't fear homosexuals. We just want them to live alone for all of their lives, as it is what God would have wanted.
    An 'outreach to homosexuals' would be trying to find common ground between your religion and their orientation. Not sentencing them to a life of chastity to please your loving god.
    Would you also live your entire life chastely, actively cursing every lustful thought you have(as jesus said if you lust you have already committed adultery in your heart)? It would show that you can empathize with the action plan your church advocates for homosexuals.

    obama bin laden shirt. in laden is obama. Bin Laden
  • in laden is obama. Bin Laden

  • truz
    Jul 7, 06:14 PM
    And I will never set foot in an Apple store again. They are the definition of needless, bulls**t arrogance. If my Macbook Pro, either Macbook, iMac, iPad or any of the 5 iPhones I own ever need serviced, I'll call and ask them to send a box rather than deal with that mall trash again.

    I agree. I rather have a box sent out then step into a store. I'm 45 minutes away from an Apple Store and a boat load of traffic in the Orlando area.

    obama bin laden shirt. in laden and obama bin laden.
  • in laden and obama bin laden.

  • Doctor Q
    Sep 12, 03:27 PM
    Apple may need to take steps to avoid confusing consumers. Their multiple consumer products make it complicated for people who don't know Apple's product line, aren't particuarly technical, aren't sure which are products Mac-only and which are cross platform, and don't know how their hardware, software, and O.S. fit together.

    There are plenty of people out there who don't realize iPods are made by Apple, and iTV (whatever it's true name turns out to be) will confuse them further.

    obama bin laden shirt. Osama in Laden#39;s honest,
  • Osama in Laden#39;s honest,

  • spacemanspifff
    Apr 7, 03:58 AM
    The lack of embedded shortcut keys in system menus. Especially to activate them File Open Etc Etc. I used them all the time... Especially with a dialog box for Open or Cancel or Save an Cancel on Pop-up dialog boxes. You cannot tab or arrow through the choices.

    The system menus DO have embedded shortcuts! If you find there is a menu that you use all the time that does not have a shortcut - then just create one! The Mac OS is designed to be used by ALL people, even those who cannot use a mouse. This means that you can do everything with just the keyboard! Check out the System Preferences for goodness sake! Perhaps you should also try pressing the Tab key to go through choices, it might surprise you! Just because the buttons or menu items don't have the underline thing like Windows, does not mean you can't use the keyboard to action them.

    Joe, please take note.

    Apr 23, 04:14 PM
    No, the basis of Christianity is the Old and New Testaments.

    The Old and New Testaments make up the Bible :confused:

    I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here.

    Apr 13, 06:39 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Looks like Apple made it easier to use and the so-called "Pros" feel threatened by that because it takes less specialized knowledge to do impressive work. We might not be there yet, but in time even grandma can edit. You get the point.

    Part of the reason established IT folk feel so threatened by Apple.

    You're incorrect... well... at least I think you are.

    I have yet to meet a professional in this field that resists products getting easier to use. But what professionals hate are changes so drastic that 1) there's a learning curve, thus slowing them down, preventing them to make a living and 2) removing features that significantly change the workflow that allow them to work quickly and creatively.

    Number 2 is my biggest worry. A complete rewrite is great. 64 bit is great. Grand Central is great. Multi-Core is great. What isn't great is the potential loss of features. Even the littlest feature, that most people would find mundane, could be very important to editors who've become used to that feature being in their workflow.

    I work in broadcast/cable news where editors have to turn packages around quickly. You remove features that prevent them to work quickly because it altered their workflow... well now you're in trouble.

    I can buy the excuse "Well they'll add it in version 2" if we're talking about consumer programs like iMovie. iMovie is not "mission critical."

    But that feature that existed in the old-world FCP versions MUST be in X from day one, IMO, or else Apple will face a steep uphill battle to win FCP editors back.

    May 9, 11:32 PM
    Hopefully someone at ATT will read these posts! In the same boat, last 3-4 weeks been getting worse in R.I.

    It won't matter. I am a firm believer than unless you have pressure from a competitor you can take your time fixing your problems. And until the iphone ends up on another carrier I can't see AT&T making improvements for Iphone users a priority. Despite what steve says I believe that the AT&T networks would be better if the iphone was on multiple carriers. It may have been a good decision for steve financially to make it exclusive but its not a good decision by steve for the iphone users.

    Jul 12, 10:53 AM
    The most intelligent post on this thread.

    ...but Intel has workstation chipsets that support the Xeon 51xx series and they have 16x PCIe (among several other nice things)...

    For example...
    Intel� 5000X Chipset (http://intel.com/products/chipsets/5000x/index.htm) (Product Brief PDF (http://intel.com/products/chipsets/5000x/product_brief.pdf))

    Also review page 7 of this PDF (http://download.intel.com/products/processor/xeon/dc51kprodbrief.pdf).

    Sep 21, 10:43 AM
    I havent gone through and taken numbers but it appears that a large number of the people demanding that this device should provide DVR functionalty already have a Tivo - how many posts decrying the lack of DVR end up " I'll keep my Tivo " ?

    Isnt that the point - you have a Tivo - you have made the decision to keep your recorded TV media in its traditional place - the living room / den.

    The iTV concept starts from the premis that this is an outdated concept.
    In these days of multiple TV households , viewing on computer screens and ipods it only makes sense to centralize your media. This way we can say good bye to the "3 receiver satalite deals" and "sycronized Tivos" that result in multiple boxes in every room.

    Once you get past the concept that your TV media source should originate in the place where you historically viewed TV all the pieces fall into place.

    Before all this iTV talk came about I had already put an airport in the bedroom to listen to internet radio via airTunes. When considering Tivo i discovered that lifetime licenses were not an option any more and did not want to take on another "small monthly fee". I now have an EyeTv 200 linked to my Mac in the office and plug an eyehome into the airport express sitting in the bedroom - it works great for me and was selected as a direct alternative to Tivo - it just seemed right to have this located by the computer and hot add more electronics to the bedroom.

    Yes there are limitations - the greatest at the moment being that i cannot use the eyehome to watch iTunes pyrchased Movies ( hence the need for the iTV/Teleport).
    Yes I cannot schedule recording from the Tv , but I can from the office which is usually where I am when i think to record something, and also if I am out of the house i can schedule recording via the internet which is great.

    Digital channels are missing but generally the channels up above the 100 mark are not interesting to me and HD would be nice for the few programs I watch that provide it, but these are limitations of the solution that I am using - NOT THE CONCEPT.

    The computer provides the central storage point for your media. It gets to the TV via iTV or some equivalent Distribution system. The media itself can come from your DVDs , a DVR linked to the computer, downloaded from the internet, or your old Betamax plugged into an encoder digitizing to the computer.
    If Eyetv doesnt cut it as your DVR, then there can and I am sure will be other options - hey even Tivo - but again i hold that it should be part of the central media storage , not sitting under the TV - or worse still under several Tvs.

    For as long as we continue to try and combine these functions of media source, storage and replay into single boxes we will always have duplicattion of effort and boxes.

    People that wtill think they need ANOTHER computer, or Another disk drive or another dvd player next to their TV and that iTV should include all this are just holding on to an historical concept or an entertainment center havign to be centered int the living room.

    Where you watch any of this media there should only be a screen , speakers , and as little else as possible - iTV ( or for now eyehome) - is pretty little !!!

    I think this realy is the missing link that makes a computer-centric household media solution viable and appealing to the majority of even single computer households. I certainly would not have purchased an eyeTv if eyeHome didnt exist , and this is the same reason I will not purchase a movie until either eyehome can show it on my TV or iTV arrives to do the same.


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