Senin, 09 Mei 2011

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  • AP_piano295
    Apr 22, 11:15 PM
    "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

    I'm an agnostic myself. To me it seems the only logical step forward. Atheism requires belief in something that cannot be proven via science, ie. that we can't (at least not right now) prove there is or isn't a god. For one to be a theist or an atheist, you must believe there is or isn't a god. Believe being the key word.

    I normally will only believe in things that can be proven. Therefore I'm an agnostic. I don't deny the existence of god, although I do very much doubt it to the point where I could border on atheism (whilst it can't be proven, it does seem logical to me).

    I disagree.

    For a start atheism (ass I see it) is not a belief system, I don't even like to use the term atheist because it grants religion(s) a much higher status than I think it deserves. The term atheism gives the impression that I have purposefully decided NOT to believe in god or religion

    I have not chosen not to believe in god or god(s). I just have no reason to believe that they exist because I have seen nothing which suggests their existence.

    I don't claim to understand how the universe/matter/energy/life came to be, but the ancient Greeks didn't understand lighting. The fact that they didn't understand lighting made Zeus no more real and electricity no less real. The fact that I do not understand abiogenesis (the formation of living matter from non living matter) does not mean that it is beyond understanding.

    The fact that there is much currently beyond the scope of human understanding in no way suggests the existence of god.

    In much the same way that one's inability to see through a closed door doesn't suggest that the room beyond is filled with leprechauns.

    A lack of information does not arbitrarily suggest the nature of the lacking knowledge. Any speculation which isn't based upon available information is simply meaningless speculation, nothing more.

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  • Millah
    Apr 13, 02:23 AM
    FCP has been plagued with FUNDAMENTAL problems since it's creation. And initial peaks seems to suggest that instead of building on it's basis and creating a stronger, leaner, more professional tool Apple has once again decided to ditch it's professional (and there must be a distinction) users for the prosumer crowd.

    We aren't talking about those video hobbyists making montage reels of Johnny's 2011 soccer season, we are talking about those of us cutting high-profile commercials and films you see on television and in theaters. And this update has us worried that we've WASTED the last decade at the lunch table arguing with the Avid dinosaurs, "Oh I know FCP could be better in this respect and that respect, but, but, but just wait for FCP8 it's going to be SO much better." Now skip to FCPX. I wanted to see them release FCP8 for GOD'S SAKE! You can see where this is going, Shake anyone?

    Many questions remain and yet it seems they have obviously sold their pro users down stream:

    What of better TRIM? SOURCE RECORD TIMELINE EDITING? What about a COLLABORATIVE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT? SERVER BASED TECHNOLOGY? And MEDIA MANAGEMENT? Weakest parts of FCP I can tell you first hand, the lack of media management. It's an assistant’s nightmare. We deal with it on a daily basis.

    Oh but it will sync the sound for you. Have you seen what it can do with iChat?

    If none of this made any sense to you then you are probably not a pro-user, so I guess you're excited to get the new FCPX. But what you should really be saying to yourself is, "Isn't it so awesome they're releasing iMovie Pro in June!?"

    I have heard PLENTY of true pros that do professional work for major studios that have praised this new Final Cut Pro, and I also saw an entire room full onf Final Cut Pro enthusiasts and professionals with their jaws on the floor. I guess you wouldn't consider one of the lead editors at Bunim/Murray to be "pro" enough huh?

    Anytime Apple updates something or completely changes something to make it modern or a more attractive UI, you all piss and moan about how Apple is abandoning you and doesn't care about pros anymore. Get a tissue, no one cares. Most of the open minded pros who are open to change and welcome it saw something amazing in FCPX. People like you who will bitch even if Apple moved the window close toggles a fraction of an inch down the title bar (ie App Store) really need to accept the fact that things need to change at some point, and it's usually for the better.

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 13, 05:05 AM
    After reading your post, I thought I'd join in. I hear what you are saying about Adobe, but truth is, the majority of Mac desktop professional users are people who rely on Adobe for everyday work.

    Yep, there propably are lots of Macsters who rely on Adobe. And there are LOADS of Macsters who don't use Adobe-software at all!

    Now before you go thinking "so what", keep in mind that disregarding the creative industry means you are losing a big chunk of potential buyers.

    I fail to see how Apple is "disregarding" those people who run Adobe-software. Those people could buy PPC-PowerMac if they want to. Should Apple delay the release of Intel-PowerMacs just because Adobe is dragging their feet with universalization? What's the benefit there? The fact that the Adobe-users wouldn't have to look at those new uber-PowerMacs with envy and think "damn, I wish I could buy that...."? if Apple releases the new machines in few weeks time, how does it harm anyone? At least the multitude of people who do NOT rely on Adobe will have new gear to buy. The Adobe-users can just stick to PPC-machines. It's not like Steve Jobs will march in to the Adobe-houses (no pun intended), and replace those PPC-PowerMacs with Intel-PowerMacs.

    What should Adobe-users do? Instead of complaining to Apple, they should complain to Adobe. How hard is it REALLY to make Mac-Photoshop run on Intel-Mac? they already have Intel-versions of their software running on Windows, it shouldn't be THAT hard.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:04 AM
    Before I'd consider suicide on being fat I would first try to loose some weight maybe. I lost 30 kilograms (keeping that weight for some years now) and I am very happy with that. My personal receipt was to distract from eating with wonderful electronic gadgets. I don't need to medicate my diabetes II any more. Just try that. It's possible.

    But being homosexual seems to be something unchangeable, you can't do anything against that obviously even when you are mentally strong. So there are lots of desperate people. Maybe helful: Imagine (or even better: meet) a person that is jewish, black, gay, fat, small, handicapped and bold altogether. And see how happy this person is maybe or how this person stays alive in our cruel community.

    So basically, fat kids deserve to be bullied! Crying themselves to sleep every night is sure to burn extra calories. We should give the bullies a medal for helping reduce our public health care costs.

    But hands off the gays!

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 14, 04:51 PM
    So who was it posting the map?

    Speaking of power, your sarcasm meter needs to be on a UPS.

    It's a global problem, though the US is the worst offender.

    Nice save, and in one sentence.

    The U.S. is proving to be the worst thing to happen to Mother Earth since the inception of time.

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  • teasphere
    Apr 13, 12:24 PM
    I've just gone and read through the tweets from @fcpsupermeet, which describe the event. From comments like this (I pick this one as an example, loads of people are expressing the sentiment) I was expecting something really consumer-focussed, rather than:

    Now, I'm not a video pro. I'll admit I'm a hobbyist: I was part of my university's film making society, and I've done various projects myself, but it's not my professional gig. But I can't see anything here that shows Apple moving away from the pro market. As far as I can tell they've done a really ambitious ground-up Cocoa rewrite of FCP, streamlining the workflow to make it quicker to use (no more render dialogs!), and at the same time building in loads of new tech like colour matching throughout.

    Is the only thing people are bothered about the fact that they changed the UI? Because other than that, I just can't see what the complaints are about. We haven't heard any actual confirmed statements of features being removed, so why assume that any crucial ones have been? They'd have been nuts to switch away from a timeline-based system like iMovie did, and so of course they didn't do that. They rewrote everything from scratch to remove a bunch of legacy baggage (like the lack of multithreading, and the Carbon UI that prevented it going 64 bit), which is awesome, but I completely can't see any evidence of a change of focus.


    Just to clarify, I was speaking more to true high-end pro scalability... and I tried to be clear that while the product is still "pro" software alone is not the whole story. Many products in the truly pro arena are highly scalable and it just seems that Apple is moving away from this and back to single computer apps. No servers, no farms, no virtualization, etc. and as I said I am an IT professional and have and do support many systems like I mentioned and Apple is becoming essentially impossible to utilize in an environment like that.

    We're talking about two different things. You are talking from an end-user/single user "pro" side and I am talking about multi-user, large-scale, modern datacenter, "pro" side. And also, I'm saying that I'd LOVE to see Apple more in that space, not less as it is going.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 09:03 AM
    So it looks like I'm back to building a HTPC sometime next spring. Pitty too. It looks like a slick device. Just not what I'm looking to put under my TV. :(
    By next spring, Apple will have the rest of the Media Center - one of the "super-secret" bits of Leopard is a full clone of Microsoft's Media Center Edition, built upon a greatly enhanced Front Row. (And accompanied by a full-featured AV remote.)

    The iTV is just Apple's copy of Microsoft's "Media Center Extender" and/or "Media Center Connect" (see Media Center Extender or Windows Media Connect. Which Do You Need? ( or Intel's wireless extender that will be part of the Viiv platform.

    Leopard has the other piece - the real multiple tuner support and PVR system.

    Couple that with a dual-core Conroe in a TiVo-sized box, and you'll have the option of a dedicated Apple Media Center in the living room, or the "iTV" feeding from the Apple Media Center in the office.

    Windows Media Center Edition supports up to five extenders. Apple certainly will do the same, so whether you choose the Conroe HTPC pizza-box, or a bigger Mac in the office - TVs throughout the house can access the single copy of the media library with "iTV" boxes.

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  • manic
    Jul 12, 04:01 PM
    The upcomming WWDC has everything to be the coolest, most agressive WWDC ever. If Apple is up to it, we are set to see the strongest Apple line up ever. And thats saying a bit, since the current lineup is already mighty all by itself

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 28, 08:15 AM
    A fad is something that comes and goes quickly with a spike in popularity at its peak, and then people look back and wonder why they did it.

    Otherwise known as the Nintendo Wii. :D

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 01:50 PM
    But diesel has significantly more particulate matter in it - bad for respiratory health - particularly in cities.

    Not after the 2007 US regulations go into effect. Even with current regulations, though, diesel has less particulate matter per mile traveled than pump gasoline, if you factor in the increased efficiency.

    How much gas does it take to manufacture 1 gallon of gas? What if the E85 started being manufactured without using energy from oil?

    I should have clarified, sorry. I meant to say that E85 requires the same amount of oil-based energy to create as the gas refining process.

    In the future, H-based fuels can be manufactured with renewable energy sources. Gas/oil is never going to be a sustainable route because the raw products are finite.

    True. But the assumption of energy innovation is a mistake, given the failure of oil-alternatives over the past 100+ years. This does not mean that looking for alternatives is fruitless (the opposite is true), but giving up on fossil fuels before an alternative is found is a gross error.

    Out-right banning GM is a mistake. But putting the control of GM foods into the hands of powerful multinationals - and not in the hands of the people of Africa - would be a bigger mistake.

    God forbid that someone gets richer by ensuring that my family doesn't die.

    EDIT: Can I just clarify that it's nice to discuss these things without suggesting that Greenpeace "F Off" or that Apple is causing World Destruction?

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  • bryanc
    Aug 29, 12:28 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Hear, hear! What's up with all of you Apple Boosters? I think my Macs are great, and OS X is clearly the best OS on the planet today, but this report is very disappointing.

    Rather than turning a blind eye to the irresponsible policies at Apple, and saying the Greenpeace is just anti-technology (they're big supporters of many innovative energy technologies, BTW), why not do what you can, as an Apple customer, to change the way Apple does business.

    I've submitted feedback to Apple in the past about their wasteful packaging, and have been pleasantly surprised not only by their considerate replies, but the fact that they've changed their packaging to be less wasteful. Apple listens to their customers. If they know we care about the environment, they'll change their practices to be more sustainable.

    I would like to have seen Apple respond to this as a challenge, by saying that they appreciate the constructive criticism and look forward to implementing changes in their practises and achieving top marks in the next Greenpeace analysis. If enough Apple customers make it clear that this should be a priority, it will become one.


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  • DroidRules
    Apr 21, 12:10 AM
    But just like Windows, it's practically impossible to have any problems unless you do something stupid.

    Another analogy - if you buy a car and put the wrong type of oil in it or inflate the tyres to the wrong pressure, bad things will probably happen.

    If you don't know what you're doing with your own devices then maybe you need Apple to hold your hand.
    I almost shot milk out my nose! Funny cause it's true. :D

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  • jobesucks
    Apr 15, 04:03 PM
    No resolution independance sucks on mac, but think im right in saying lion will fix that.

    Also mac networking sucks, pc,s rarely show in finder, sometimes do sometimes dont, have to cmd k far too often, well in my experience anyway.

    Other than that not much else

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  • Taz Mangus
    Apr 21, 03:10 PM
    still not raking in the huge lion's share of industry profits? apple is, android manufacturers arent.

    AndroidfoLife is quite impressed with the fact that Andriod now runs on applicances. I get a good laugh everytime I think about that. Talk about racing to the bottom.

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  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 04:06 PM
    You're not quite understanding what I'm saying or the situation here. Safari auto-downloads a zip file, runs it through Archive Utility which extracts something and then runs it.

    It happens to be an installer this time. What if next time it's a malicious piece of code ? Why did it auto-execute, under what conditions and could these conditions be used to execute something other than an installer ?

    Think a bit beyond the current situation. The malware authors do.

    I think I understands what you are saying. However, for the sake of clarity, let me answer your question relating to "why it auto-executed." The Safari protection level needs to be set to "Allow 'Safe' files to be opened."

    This allows the Archive Utility to open the .zip file which contains the installation file to begin execution. Had the user not allowed this action, the file would never had made it to the user's computer without the user deliberate allowing it to be downloaded.

    Once the installer is running, it still needs the user to enter and password and authorize the installer to install the software. If the user doesn't have the computer's administrator password, then once more the malware is blocked.

    To address your other question, as to what conditions could malicious code get into OSX:

    1. First, the file would need to be considered "safe" to be allowed to auto-download and auto-open, AND the browser would need to be set to allow this.
    2. Then, like the case with the installer above, it would need to seek the user's permission to be installed. This again, required the complicity of the user, who would still need the administrator's password.

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  • skottichan
    Apr 15, 12:57 PM
    A person being raped, is by definition, being forced. A person willfully having sex is not being forced. That scripture is expressing the importance of resiting when possible, while also preventing a willful participant from claiming that they were raped in order to avoid the consequences. What it is not doing is claiming that there are different kinds of rape. You are either raped, or you aren't.

    The problem is, and maybe I misread, that it only counts as "rape" if the woman fights back. All rapes are different, just as all women are, a rape victim I know personally, went into a catatonic state during the sexual assault. So, by that definition, she was "consenting" and should be stoned as well. In some cases, the assailant will threaten death of the victim/victim's family to ensure submission. So do these count as rape, since they're not fighting back?

    promiscuous or not, it is me. I want rights based on my sexual promiscuity. Why is it different? That is who I am.

    No ones rights are trampled for being promiscuous, unless you're a woman, then you're a slut and deserve what you get. (I wish this was sarcastic, but that's pretty much how women with multiple partners are viewed).

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  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Jul 8, 08:25 AM
    After suffering for 2 years I ditched and went with the HTC Incredible on Verizon.

    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.

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  • looklost
    Mar 18, 06:21 PM
    I can't believe that people think this is a bad thing. Don't you like freedom? :eek:

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  • FX120
    Mar 13, 02:38 PM
    When a nuclear disaster happens hundreds of thousands of people can die

    No. You need to do some research.

    mac jones
    Mar 12, 04:53 AM
    You had said "it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded" and mac jones seemed concerned that the whole reactor had blown up. I was just adding some updates to the thread which seemed to make more sense of the situation based on the limited information available.

    Sorry if it wasn't up to scratch.

    How do you know what is was?. I don't have a clue. If you really know post it. I'd LOVE to get this sorted out as i'm a bit worried now.

    Aug 29, 11:41 AM
    Who the hell listens to GreenPeace anymore.


    Oct 8, 12:21 PM
    one thing is certain, the athlon is faster than the duron, the pentium 4 is faster than the celeron, and the G4 is faster (in photoshop) than the G3...but beyond that, it is hard to get a perfect reading

    Now I will agree with that!!!!

    Apr 9, 02:07 PM
    Very exciting. Can't wait to see where this is all headed.

    Imagine iPhone 7, 8, 9, they are going to be incredible!

    Sounds Good
    Apr 6, 02:26 PM
    Oh, and for the person who made the "troll" post... seriously??? The OP put "for switchers only" because he wants to hear from people who have actually made the decision to switch. He wants to learn from their experiences as opposed to just getting bashed by Apple fanboys who'll belittle his question and not provide any genuine help.
    Bingo. This is EXACTLY right.


    I spent some time at an Apple store today. I messed around with the Macbook Air machines mostly. It's gonna take a few visits to have a better idea of things.

    Frankly I'm a little bummed, since I was quite tempted to get a Mac -- pretty soon, in fact. Now I'm really not so sure. I (personally) might be better off with Windows 7. Not sure.

    One thing I learned while at the Apple store: I'm pretty sure I'll be getting an iPad 2. :)

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