Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Funny Animations For Myspace

Funny Animations For Myspace. HTML Code for Orkut, Myspace,
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  • apolloa
    Apr 30, 06:09 PM
    Thing is though... if the new top end MacBook Pro 2.3 can keep up with and beat even a current 8 core Mac Pro in some instances and trounce the quad core model, just how powerful is a top end Sandy Bridge iMac going to be :eek::confused:

    And seeing as Apple blessed us with quad core in the laptops, I would bet my remainder of my hair on my head that the top end iMac option at most will have six core sandy bridge :D

    Funny Animations For Myspace. funny animations and image
  • funny animations and image

  • RollTide
    May 3, 05:14 PM
    I can't believe 7200 rpm HD is standard. WOW

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Funny Animation by Gabriele
  • Funny Animation by Gabriele

  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 04:09 PM
    Are we going to have live MR Coverage of the event? :)Is the Pope German? :rolleyes:

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Myspace Comments, Funny
  • Myspace Comments, Funny

  • p0intblank
    Sep 14, 01:22 PM
    All I have to say is....

    Encore of the John Legend performance will have the crowd going NUTS :rolleyes:

    What do you mean by this? Dull crowd...? If so, then I agree. The crowd hardly cheered like they usually do.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. alt#39;Funny Animation#39;
  • alt#39;Funny Animation#39;

  • iCrizzo
    Apr 19, 10:51 AM
    Anyone who is stupid enough to confuse a Galaxy S with an iPhone shouldn't own a smartphone anyway. All they have to do is turn over the freaking phone and notice that big Samsung logo to know it's not an Apple product.

    Or they could open up the iPhone and see the same Samsung logo tattoo'd all over the parts. :eek:

    Funny Animations For Myspace. funny animation
  • funny animation

  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 10:59 AM
    They don't care about us, they just want our money, like any business.

    I can't dumb this statement down any further, sorry.

    Indeed. You couldn't dumb down that statement if you tried. It's already reached bottom.

    Go hang at Macrumors appears to be above your pay-grade.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Funny Animations Glitter
  • Funny Animations Glitter

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 13, 09:56 PM
    Here's the real iPhone!!

    Funny Animations For Myspace. MySpace Generators
  • MySpace Generators

  • jsarrasinjr
    Aug 23, 05:14 PM
    You have to wonder how tenuous Apple's position was considering that they have settled so early (in huge lawsuit time). 100 million dollars is a lot of money to spend to get Creative off their back.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Funny Animation of Bee
  • Funny Animation of Bee

  • FSUSem1noles
    Apr 22, 05:28 AM
    Great, another way to chew through our cellular data..

    I can see it now, after the release of this "cloud service" the cell companies are going to scream bloody murder "our networks can't handle all this data consumption on, we have to raise rates to upgrade our infrastructure, yada, yada.."

    Zooooooom, we the consumer get the shaft yet again!

    Funny Animations For Myspace. funny animations and image
  • funny animations and image

  • cube
    Apr 22, 12:53 PM
    Uhh, no, it won't. As long as the logic board is at the thickest point then they will be able to house the same power components as the current Pro.

    Making the Pro thinner and removing the optical drive does not make a big MBA. Not in the slightest.

    Even the 15" Zacates have optical drives. An MBP without optical drive would look bad.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. July apr animations, myspace
  • July apr animations, myspace

  • Peikko
    Apr 30, 08:33 PM
    MSFT has not had a real hit in forever.
    Can't be bothered to check anything but the most recent past, so...

    Kinect Confirmed As Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device (

    Guinness World Records, the global authority on record breaking, today confirm that the Kinect for the Xbox 360 is the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device. The hardware, that allows controller-free gaming, sold through an average of 133,333 units per day, for a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days on sale from 4 November 2010 to 3 January 2011.

    The sales figures outstrip both the iPhone and the iPad for the equivalent periods after launch. [...]

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Wide Range of Funny Animations
  • Wide Range of Funny Animations

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 10:12 AM
    Dual ports should have been on the notebooks as well.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. HTML Code for Orkut, Myspace,
  • HTML Code for Orkut, Myspace,

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 13, 11:41 PM
    Apple is a terrible company when it comes to ETHICS and people need to just understand that basic fact of life when dealing with them. They are greedy greedy greedy and they don't CARE what you think about them, what you want in a product and whether you wasted months working on an application that they just reject for the most ridiculous illogical reasons ever. This goes to show why NO COMPANY should be allowed to DICTATE (as in a dictatorship) terms for software releases on ANY platform (No, I don't care that it's based on a "phone" platform; it's STILL a computer; the iPod Touch is STILL a computer). We need a freedom of information/software/market act for software releases on all platforms. Apple has a monopoly on software distribution for the iPhone/iPod Touch computer platform and that simply should not be allowed. If you create a new hardware platform that is open to software development, that market should be independent of the company pushing the platform since clearly that constitutes a monopoly of software for that platform and leads to BS nonsense like this example shows. Imagine if they wanted 30% of all profits for the Mac platform and insisted software for the Mac could only be sold through iTunes.... That would never stand the light of day. Yet apparently it's OK if OSX is put onto a hand-held mobile computer and then forced to interface through iTunes (shakes head). As usual, the real loser here is the consumer who does not get all the software for the platform that he/she should be able to get. Instead you get mountains of two-bit 99 cent throw-away applications because no company in their right mind would put a lot of money into developing a really good application only to have Apple reject it on a whim!

    Yes I know that you brain-washed types that worship Steve Jobs will scream and moan about this sort of comment since you seem to think that Steve should be allowed to do ANYTHING he wants in this world and have some contorted view of Capitalism that seems to think competition doesn't include Apple since they are somehow special and magical and should be left alone to do things like extort 30% off the top of all 3rd party software (very Mafia-esque IMO), but I say I don't care what a bunch of brain-washed groupies think so do me a favor and spare me your opinions. I couldn't care less about any form of fan-boy or fanatical viewpoint on ANYTHING Apple related since it will clearly be completely 100% Apple biased and therefore 100% WORTHLESS. Yes I already know you think it's Apple's hardware and therefore they have no market responsibilities to ANYONE. I think that's a load of horse manure. They exist in a country based on competition and if they don't like it, they should move to Communist China where there is none. Oh wait a second, they already make their hardware there so they're halfway there already! :eek:

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Funny Animations for Myspace
  • Funny Animations for Myspace

  • gekko513
    Aug 23, 06:51 PM
    It's not...the press release says that Apple can recoup some of the money if Creative is able to license the patent to other companies.
    I found that very part of the settlement very puzzling. If anything, you'd think Apple should be able to recoup som of the money if Creative isn't able to license the patent to other companies that infringe on the same patent, as it would show that Creative doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Cool free Myspace Animations
  • Cool free Myspace Animations

  • dvkid
    Nov 13, 01:07 PM
    Why does Apple think it's okay to continually alienate and turn away developers?? :confused: Why do fanboys continue to excuse such incidences? Why aren't people SICK of this kind of behavior from Apple? :mad:

    Obviously people are. Rogue Amoeba and Joe Hewitt both jumping ship on the same day doesn't seem to be a coincidence to me.

    However, until this has a noticeable impact on the user, most won't be as upset as the developers are. Facebook will continue where Joe left off, and Rogue Amoeba's app served a very specific audience (albeit very well). If Facebook were to, say, remove their app from the store, then this might hit people's radar in a meaningful way.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. alt#39;Very Funny Animation#39;
  • alt#39;Very Funny Animation#39;

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 08:40 AM
    My point as just that if intel doubles the number of cores every 6th month, I believe that lifespan of a Mac is going to be substantially shorter. I doubt that the people who just bought a new MacPro realized that their computer would be as fast as an "entry level" computer within a year. Old Macs, like my own MDD, will be deemed to live in a time-bubble with now means of interacting with newer computers.
    Things have certainly changed after the PPC ->x86 transition.

    Software will also have to keep up and unless your software becomes massively multithreaded and what you're doing can actually be multi threaded there's no real advantage to multi-core CPUs.

    This is already a problem with Quicktime in that it doesn't scale past 2 cores. You'll find half of your computer under utilised for instance when transcoding video in Quicktime.

    Funny Animations For Myspace. MySpace Generators
  • MySpace Generators

  • w00master
    Nov 14, 12:44 PM
    Serious, dude. You seem to be like those people who have their fingers in their ears singing "la, la, la, la, la I can't hear you".

    Apple is the copyright holder of those images and they provide the right to use those images in Applications running on macs via the API on a Mac running OS X. Rogue Amoeba was taking those images and distributing them via a WiFi network to another device where they have not licensed the display of those specific icons. This is really no different than if you licensed icons for use in your desktop application and then decided to use it in a few websites or a client server app without clearing it with the licenser first.

    Rogue Amoeba could avoided all of those trouble by supplying their own icons. It also appears from the screenshot that they were taking two icons from OS X and superimposing them on each other.

    There is one possibility that perhaps not been considered. What if Apple does not own the exclusive copyright to those images and has instead licensed them for a specific use within OS X on a mac and any other use would be a violation of that license?

    Sorry, but I disagree. Personally, it seems to me that the extreme fanboys have their fingers in their ears. I completely understand Apple's need to protect their trademarks and copyrights. However, in this case, I do not agree that Rogue Amoeba did ANY of this.

    Again, to quote Gruber:

    "the Airfoil Speakers Touch iPhone app does not contain any of these images. It contains no pictures of Apple computers. It contains no icons of Apple applications. It displays these images after they are sent across the network by Airfoil for Mac. Airfoil for Mac reads these images using public official Mac OS X APIs. I.e. Airfoil Speakers Touch can only show a picture of the Mac it is connected to because the image is sent from the Mac it is connected to."

    To continue on... these apologies and justification has been going on for a LONG time now on. Normally, I side with Apple. However, I'm sick and tired of people calling us "whiners" or continually try to justify "Apple's actions." I love Apple, but imho I am a CONSUMER first before I am a fan. Constantly hurting top tier developers hurts me as a consumer, because it potentially restricts the type of killer apps that can come out of the amazing iPhone platform. All I'm asking is for Apple to ease up a bit. Give these developers room to thrive.


    Funny Animations For Myspace. animations, funny myspace
  • animations, funny myspace

  • dukebound85
    Apr 19, 04:50 PM
    And as I said, they are their number one customer, also as reported in the WSJ. If you don't think some bonuses were rewarded at Samsung for landing the account with Apple, and that your number one customer isn't important, then you know very little about business.

    A number one customer in their electronics division that accounts to a whopping 4 % of Samsungs sales

    The reliance Apple has on Samsung is much more than that Samsung has on Apple...

    Funny Animations For Myspace. Funny Animation of Sweet
  • Funny Animation of Sweet

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 25, 01:29 AM
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).


    So, to teach someone a lesson, your mom caused an accident, lied to the police and as a result the other driver had to pay out almost $20,000.

    You and your mother are pathetic. Hopefully, someday you will be on the receiving end of someone who games the system and it costs you big time.

    Small White Car
    Nov 13, 02:06 PM
    CAREFULLY read APPLEs developers rules

    You should try it!

    They didn't break the rules.

    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    Call me spoiled by all things thin, I think the iMac is looking pretty chunky these days. Not sure why it isn't significantly thinner than it is. The next time they do update the form factor it should essentially look like a giant first gen iPad.

    That would be just fine if all you wanted was iPad performance.

    Sep 1, 08:39 AM
    I was all set to buy one of the New Archos PVP's.... They are pretty sweet.

    But knowing my previous buying luck, I'd buy it, then Apple would release the new vPod and movie store.

    If what you write is true, would you mind buying that Archos PVP?
    I sure would like a new iPod video...

    Oct 27, 11:21 AM
    Yes, they should just just shut-up and vote for corporate-sponsored Republicrats or Converalabour every four or five years and take it.

    It's a shame that there is no longer any meaningful democracy.

    Whoa... apparently you have a little trouble reading, or at least understanding the context of an argument. I said nothing about meaningful democracy, "shutting up and taking it", or anything of the sort. In fact, if you read it again, what I said is that democracry is what's at stake here. Sure, we're getting into hyperbole now, but the fact is that democracry does NOT mean breaking the rules for your personal gain or the gain of your cause. Democracy is about creating a reasoned, rational voice, that is backed by a majority of the people. You can create that majority any way you like, but it has to remain within the confines of what's ethical and legal, or you've effectively destroyed everything that democracy stands for. Law, reason, and order are the foundation of democracy.

    Yes, and that certainly justifies being a loudmouthed asshat. There are ways you can get a message out without being a douchebag, but that's rapidly becoming a lost art on any part of the political spectrum.
    Hah! That's another way of putting it, but essentially this was my point. The political process has become a mockery, and the same is true of many social causes. It's become a platform for people to act of order, and think they can get away with it because it's "for a good cause." If you really want to further your cause do it the right way... educate people, write clear, concise, and interesting literature, create a buzz with a well-made documentary, have peaceful, organized, large scale rallies. But purchasing a booth at a trade show and then breaking the rules of the contract you signed by overstepping your bounds is inappropriate and unethical. Semantics maybe, but it's hypocritical and just as bad as the cause you're fighting.

    Apr 22, 03:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So this cloud thing will allow me to listen to my music on multiple devices that have an internet connection.

    Well I can already listen to my music on my MacBook, iPad and iPhone so why would I want it?

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