Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Jessica Alba Hairstyles

Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba#39;s shoulder length
  • Jessica Alba#39;s shoulder length

  • Wilbah
    Mar 22, 01:13 PM
    That the "pro" line- as in Mac Pro tower - will be the last in the line of machines to get the "thunderbolt" connectivity option.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba is known for
  • Jessica Alba is known for

  • charlituna
    May 3, 11:05 AM
    So when is the ACD gonna support thunderbolt?

    Likely never. At least by Apple. That is old school tech that they want you to replace.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyle
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyle

  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 03:56 PM
    hoping for apple te thin the screen bezel. Also hope the main build will have no optical drive. but will make it optional. I do not need one, some do.

    for all those crying for an optical drive. buy an external one. i bet most of you guys will benefit more of having an SSD+HDD instead of one of either with an optical drive.

    next year i expect, slight resolution bump. hi-res option becomes standard. Lighter/ not thinner design. A better ventilation. hopefully 2 thunderbolt ports (instead of FW800) but only if we have advanced enough with converters from TB.

    I do not expect usb3 i think apple will never, as they do with bluray. And as most of you are already very unpleased with this. The future is digital. Within 5 years 2K movies can be downloaded in minutes and also streamed. as far as usb3 apple will sell thier special Thunderbolt to USB3 converter for $30.

    People crying for an Optical Driver where the same ones crying when the Floppy was removed from the original iMac and cried that it would fail. Sometimes these people just need a push in the direction or the vision of Apple. Knowing the PC industry they will still have Floppy and Optical Drivers when Apple moves to something else in the future. :p

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Picture
  • Jessica Alba Picture

  • Vercingetorix
    May 3, 04:38 PM
    I use my 2010 27" iMac as a monitor for a PC gaming rig that utilizes the mini-display port and I must say that this will be the last iMac I own until they change this. This was one of main selling points for me since I could still use a pc and not have to suffer with the iMac's poor gaming performance.

    No matter how you slice it, the integrated video card with the current iMacs CANNOT drive the resolution these displays use.

    The only option is build a high end PC that can push that kinda resolution at decent framerates.

    The video cards in these machines will be perfectly adequate for 95 percent of what 95 percent of their potential customers need, and that's what Apple cares about. Why eat into profit margins and complicate the product line when such a tiny segment of the market cares about something?

    Now that they have removed the option and restricted it to TB only display ports, we are now forced to "upgrade" to a new mac tho it still cant hold a candle to whats available to system builders today.

    I made the switch to Mac years and years ago but I think it's finally run it's course. When this thing takes a **** and they offer me a new one through my Apple Care, I'll sell it and buy a real display an perhaps mac mini.

    Apple has fallen so far behind the desktop computing business and its clear they want to funnel their remaining customers through this purchase path.

    They haven't fallen behind; they're just not interested in serving the market you're part of. Apple are interested in selling elegant, integrated, simple computers to ordinary people, and ordinary people play games on consoles. The universe of potential customers who care about high-end gaming on personal computers is relatively tiny, so Apple always have and always will ignore it. I'm an occasional gamer myself, so I know it's frustrating, but the simple fact is that if you use a Mac to do most of your day-to-day computer stuff, you're going to have to have a Plan B to do any high-end gaming. The market isn't big enough to make Apple care otherwise.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Alba New Cool Hairstyle
  • Alba New Cool Hairstyle

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 4, 08:32 PM
    People have said that a media device that will bing the iPod to the home TV.
    but isnt this what the Stereo Connection Kit with Universal Dock and Remote.
    it was the cables to connect your video ipod up to your TV.

    This the more expensive version of that, except that is HD. Umm I wonder if you can steal the movie by picking up the stream from the air? LOL there goes DRM.

    If it takes several hours to download a movie over the Internet....... How do I transmit the same movie over 802.11g in 2 hours or less to my tv?

    Stick to the cables, you need 802.11n minimum to do this and it will kill your home network. Nobody else at home can do anything else.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyles
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyles

  • bigandy
    Oct 27, 10:27 AM
    and nobody noticed this?
    The group had purchased a small both with contract terms to only hand out leaflets within their assigned area and to not take photographs at other stands.

    booth! not both! :rolleyes:

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. winter formal hair ideas
  • winter formal hair ideas

  • GoodWatch
    May 3, 02:23 PM
    Nice pieces of kit. Would this put the top of the line iMacs in the realm of professional photographers who have to do a lot of post processing? Or is the monitor not up to scratch for that? I can see huge external RAID arrays equipped with Thunderbolt to cater for the safe storage of large amounts of RAW files :D

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba hairstyles
  • Jessica Alba hairstyles

  • min_t
    Apr 22, 11:29 AM
    Should I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Prom Hairstyle
  • Jessica Alba Prom Hairstyle

  • gekko513
    Aug 23, 05:27 PM
    What exactly was this patent for? Why doesn't it affect other players and music services besides iPod+iTunes?

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyle
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyle

  • Dagless
    Apr 11, 05:14 AM
    Lucky its not Sony. Those that exposed it would be in a never ending court case, and everyone's IP that visited macrumors would be subpoenaed by a federal judge.

    Not the same thing.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyle
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyle

  • dizastor
    Aug 23, 06:53 PM
    $100 million doesn't put a dent in Apple's reserves. It's best to just get this crap out of the way.

    Seems like Creative should retire now, just make iPod accessories and license their interface.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba#39;s short blonde
  • Jessica Alba#39;s short blonde

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 20, 01:47 PM
    I think the main problem is people stating, or at least THINKING they have privacy rights. You do, limited, but you do. The problem is, those rights REALLLLY don't apply when your on someone else's property. AKA T-Mobiles, AT&T or Verizon. You don't OWN their networks, you use them, you rent them. Just like a landlord can give you notice and say, 'I'm going to come check out the house/apt' AT&T can say (albiet in tiny print in a 300 page TOS) I reserve the right to collect your data. You sign the dotted line, get your fancy phone and don't give a ****. Thats untill someone treads on the truth then you become a tight-ass over it.

    If a bunch of script kiddies on 4Chan can track down the 'Dog **** Lady' in Japan, you people don't got a chance in HELL. You got Cell Phones, and subscribe to internet forums, your IP is splayed all over the internet like beer at a frat party and your crying because a file tracks what cell tower your connected to? Theres a lot worse things then Death, this ain't one of them.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. jessica alba updo oscars.
  • jessica alba updo oscars.

  • kurtsayin
    Oct 12, 11:14 PM
    It makes me so happy to know that there are still plenty of stupid people in the world.

    Thank you

    LOL me too! What is so stupid about solving the problem with total success following my logic? Just because people are not going to follow my advice, does not mean that is somehow sophomoric.

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyles Of
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyles Of

  • asphalt-proof
    Sep 15, 08:25 PM
    Ok I think Steve is just playing with the rumor sites. First is was "G5 Powerbooks next Tuesday" Now its "iPhone next Tuesday, quarter, macworld, whatever." I think its just his way of palying a practical joke on us plebes. Probably sits back, snorts derisively whenever he sees this and throws a towel at his personal servant (whose name is Steve Ballmer).

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba blonde with curls
  • Jessica Alba blonde with curls

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 25, 12:03 AM
    OP: That lady was driving the speed limit... What the ****s wrong with you?

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba can definitely
  • Jessica Alba can definitely

  • bennyhenry
    Apr 20, 02:02 PM
    I've just used the software on my iPhone 4 backup, and was looking at timeline and the locations. I noticed that at the same time point, the map was showing use in Swindon (where I am) and High Wycombe (65 miles away), as well as in London (80 miles away) at the next date stamp, but i've never been to either of those places ever with my iPhone.

    The only thing that I can think of is because my phone is a replacement from Apple because of a faulty home button (which could be refurbs according to some sites across the net). It seems as though the backup takes the cell tower data from the phone from any point in its life, and cannot be wiped.

    Any other ideas?

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba Hairstyle Hot
  • Jessica Alba Hairstyle Hot

  • Icaras
    Apr 30, 01:44 PM
    Wonder if the top of the line Core i7 Sandy Bridge iMac will be faster than many of the SP Mac Pro configurations.

    I'm betting it will be. :)

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. jessica alba updo hairstyle
  • jessica alba updo hairstyle

  • bedifferent
    May 3, 11:33 AM
    Great update� waiting for the usual suspects to come around to list any [unreasonable] cons :p�

    Jessica Alba Hairstyles. Jessica Alba holds hands
  • Jessica Alba holds hands

  • prosperousyogi
    Mar 22, 04:16 PM
    Still lovin' my 2009 iMac.... best machine I've ever owned.

    So do I ... got the 27" i5 in and am just LOVING it. Couldn't justify the i7 as few apps support hyperthreading, wonder if this is still true.

    Use my beautiful machine mostly for photo editing. See no reason to update to any new iMac this time round. Found it's worth to upgrade computers every three years as the science progresses, and look already forward to upgrading end of 2012, when technology will really have changed enough since 2009 to make it all worth the new experience.

    Love you Apple!

    Mar 23, 05:47 PM
    Do a poll macrumors.... Us 6 want them pulled Now!!... the others not quoted want them to stay on the App Store for no real good or beneficial reason

    I haven't decided either way.. but I also want a poll! Polls are fun.

    Sep 17, 11:05 PM
    O no! Our cell phone technology is behind that of Europe's, where the small, congested spaces make it easier to unveil new cell technologies! The horror...

    Agreed. The U.S. is pretty much behind everyone else as far as cell phone technology goes. Do I care? No. My cell phone takes and gives calls. Who cares if it can take 30MP photos and watch steaming TV and movies and play Crysis at 120fps and pay my bills and rob convenient stores and solve world hunger? When I get a new cell phone and the salesman starts running off at the mouth at how cool it is and all the groovy things it does, I stop him and ask, "can I call people on it?" If the answer is yes, then I'm happy. :D

    Apr 22, 07:13 PM
    Hey, they could build a little hub with a cord that plugs into the TB port and provide a few USB 1,2,3 ports, maybe a firewire port, plus a glowing Apple logo on top and call it an iHub.

    I bet the only TB thingie Apple will build is 1Gbit Ethernet adapter for MBA
    lowly iHubs will be served by Griffins and Belkins of the world though ...

    Sep 5, 07:25 PM
    There's no point in having a hard drive, why would you even want it if you can stream in real time from your computer? And why make it a "mini" size box when it can just be something tiny enough to hold AV outputs?

    This is what I had anticipated a while back, but Apple went and invested in the Mini as the quasi-set-top-box. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I wonder if they would change horses mid stream, as it were. I think the video AE would be cool, but it's not quite mainstream enough for regular folk. The Mini, on the other hand, would be sufficiently mainstream if Apple cut the price a little bit and made Front Row a little more robust (and included a DVI to HDMI cable ;)).

    Of course, I can see both sides of the argument.

    Aug 28, 01:32 PM
    Wow, that Dell's just like an iMac, just 3x the price and 3x as ugly. Eww.

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