Senin, 09 Mei 2011

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  • rorschach
    Mar 18, 01:56 AM
    I use HandyLight to tether, but only occasionally. I wonder if they can detect that. I don't know what method the jailbreak way uses.

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  • DaftRyan
    Apr 9, 12:28 AM
    I would love to have a conversation with the headhunters who managed to pull this one off. Talk about talent.

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  • SRSound
    Oct 29, 10:05 AM
    I think what that statement is getting at is that they will definitely not be released any sooner than mid-November. (I'm assuming that's when they will be officially "released".) But how soon afterwards, you're right, is anyone's guess. Just look at what Apple has done with the C2D chips. It took them a little longer than some of its competitors to include them in the MBPs, and we still don't have them in the MacBooks. (Of course, we may never see them in the MacBooks, until Santa Rosa, who knows... :o)

    I think I remember a very long wait time for shipments when the Mac Pro was first announced. Is it likely we'll see another extensive wait time once they accept orders, even IF they announce Octo-cores in mid November? Also, on a completely different note, will this processor upgrade effect programs that worked on woodcrest processors? As in, is there a chance a program that works on woodcrest wont work on clovertown?

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:39 AM
    I am one of the many people carrying them, but, sales numbers of those versus the iPod Touch, and iPhone are telling us that the fad is over. ;)

    I don't want them to stop selling classic iPods, however I am not blind to the fact that I am a member of a dying breed of classic iPod users. :(

    Oh yeah, it's definitely trending downward now instead of still climbing, but it took almost a decade before that happened, not 3 or 4 years as claimed earlier. And they still sell millions every year, which you cannot say about pet rocks. That's the difference between a fad and a popular product. In a fad, the sales dry up quickly.

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  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 20, 08:12 PM
    You mean just like unix operating systems have "so many" viruses and it's a completely open source environment? In fact OSX is based on BSD unix. LOL

    Yeah, because they hold the largest marketshare, right?

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  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 27, 09:01 AM
    Who said anything about gender identity?

    It lies at the supposed heart of Joseph Nicolosi's and NARTH's work. It's nonsense.

    The APA quotation suggests that although there is evidence for that, it's unconvincing.

    "There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence". Anything outside that, obviously barely qualifies as evidence. Not wishing to get bogged down in a tired to and fro about semantics or anything...

    That's obviously ad hominem.

    So what? That's exactly what he is. He bilks money from deeply conflicted people who feel ashamed of themselves. When the Surgeon General of the United States releases a report saying that "there is no valid scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed", then you can be assured that those on the opposite side of the argument have a bill of goods to sell.

    Let me ask you an important question. Is there any evidence, testimonial or reasoned argument that would lead you to change your mind?

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:28 AM
    Agreed. But you know what, some people deserve not one ounce of respect. The minute one crosses that line with me, and takes the liberty to label me as a self-hater, guess what, you've successfully lit a fire under my *** and I'm gonna talk back at you in a fitting way. Point blank.

    You can go ahead and read thru all my posts in MacRumors and you'll see that I'm not a negative whiner, or one quick to disrespect others. But I have zero tolerance for people that are quick to label or judge me for my views.

    Just one more reason to not belong to a pressure group like "LGBTAQ". Different opinions are not tolerated. There's no competition of ideas or checks and balances in a situation like that.

    Case in point. You sound like someone who might be even tangentially sympathetic to the ex-gay movement. Don't want to put any words in your mouth but I have a feeling you at least tolerate its existence and feel they have a right to their own opinion. Well, the LGBT folks can't tolerate anyone having an idea like that - they'll even organize and boycott and pressure Apple until they remove some lame, lonely little app from the App Store.

    Meanwhile - need to find a glory hole or a cruising area nearby? There's an App for That!

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 29, 12:08 PM
    These groups don't care at all about the environment. They only want to hinder businesses.

    Sure, I guess calling them the greenest company will really hinder Nokia's business - or indeed any of the companies that got rated near the top. :rolleyes:

    The fact is this report says something which, as Apple fans, many of us don't like. However, if there was a comparable Lenovo forum, they'd all be saying the same thing –*"the report is rubbish"? Does it make it true? No.

    What if Apple still came fourth from bottom, but Dell was third from bottom. Does that make the report more credible? No.

    The fact that this report is gaining traction across multiple tech sites, not just MacRumors, plus the fact that Apple speedily responded proves that the issue is real. Did Apple reject outright the report's claims and say they are actually just as good as Nokia and whoever else? Did they come out and say, "greenpeace is b/s"? No. They said "we don't agree with the grading system used, it's not reflective of our other efforts" or some such politician-esque answer.

    It could just as easily have been Apple at the top if they were up to scratch with regard to the materials used in their products, then you same critics would be loving the report. For example, if tomorrow Greenpeace ran a report on the grading of tech company recycling programs and put Apple at the top, what would that say? That Apple was good in one area and bad in another so they need to do more.

    Stop being fickle and naive and understand the bigger picture. :rolleyes:

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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 26, 05:08 AM
    So, first it was the number of transistors per processor, then they coupled that with higher clock speeds (MHz) and now with multi-cores inside multi-processors.

    Is there a limit to such growth with the current technology?

    Anything after that? The optical computer that works with light instead of electricity and thus does not heat soo much? Any roadmap?


    How about Quantum computers?

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 08:24 AM
    If you are currently on an unlimited plan, sorry - you can't complain about this new development. You agreed to TOS which stated clearly what you could and could not do with your data. Unlimited data is for PHONE use - not for other devices you can hook up to. ATT and other carrier's bandwidth isn't meant to support as many devices as you want on your unlimited plan.

    Now... that being said...

    Those who are on a 2gb, or whatever LIMITED plan - should be able to do whatever you want with your data. You've paid for a set allotment - and whether you use that on your phone or elsewhere doesn't matter.

    There's a clear distinction between unlimited and capped in terms of what you are ENTITLED to or not.

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  • C N Reilly
    Mar 18, 12:59 PM
    I'm not worried about this. There's only two possibilities:

    1) AT&T is just assuming anyone who uses more than X amount of data must be tethering, and shooting out threats. In such a case, all you have to do is call them and tell them you stream a radio station all day. They take you off the "evil tetherer" list; end of problem. (I've already seen two people post elsewhere that this has worked for them.)

    2) There actually is something in the software/firmware that's enabling AT&T to tell who's tethering. In this case, the jailbreakers will just add some code to the next release to block or fool that bit of code. End of problem.

    All signs thus far point to (1) being the truth, btw.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 23, 12:27 AM
    Well, considering the six days doesn't refer to six literal days, I must be referring to the big bang.

    the word day is used over 2000 times in the old testament, and you want to change the meaning of only six of them? Especially since the creation passages define the light as "day" and the darkness as "night", day is clearly defined as 24hrs

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  • mostman
    Sep 20, 04:06 PM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    Its an Airport Express for Video. Simple as that.

    And I think you are significantly misunderstanding how much impact on the market a device like this will have. This is the way to marry the television to your digital content. People don't want a PC in the living room - but they do want to see their photos, watch their videos and listen to their music on their couch - using their television as a display.

    These things will sell like crazy. Without DVR functionality. Remember, the DVR market is still small. Small enough to call 'fledgling'. Apple is nothing if not smart about taking proven market verticals and cleaning them up for the consumer. Small steps.


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  • Sodner
    Mar 18, 08:05 AM
    Glad I got the AT&T 3G iPad 2. :D:D:D

    I was really considering jailbreaking for theathering but unlike some have a problem with stealing.

    And YES I do believe that if I buy 2 GIG of data I should be able to use it as I wish. But just becuase I want it that way does not give me the right to do it.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 9, 11:35 AM
    I do think the market can sustain 4 companies, perhaps even especially the casual market which is significantly larger. I would challenge you to answer why you think the smaller top-end console market can sustain 2 large players, but the broader casual market could not?

    Unless Apple pulls a rabbit out of it's hat with Gaming, I'd think that iOS games would be more geared towards families and multiplayer... but not at the same level as something like Halo on XBox, but more like the Nitendo Wii games.

    Given this, I think the systems that need to worry is Playstation (they've been having their own issues) and Nitendo given iOS games could easily take on the Nitendo market.

    However, what's to say that Nitendo couldn't port some more popular games to iOS? It would be a killer combo and would expand their revenue stream to what could be a huge competitor.

    IMHO, I think Nitendo should be talking to Apple and make it happen.

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 27, 09:19 PM
    That's not the point. The point. The point is that even before anyone discovered microbes, microbes already existed. You're welcome to insist that there's no God. But maybe you insist that there is none because although there's evidence for theism, you doubt that it is evidence for it. I'm sure many atheistic scientists who dismiss theism a priori because they believe that if God exists, His existence would force them to revise many of their scientific assumptions. I forget the title of the television program I watched, where the host asked a neuroscientist what she thought about near-death experiences. She didn't want to consider potential evidence for an afterlife because an afterlife would disprove too many physicalist assumptions about the nature of the mind.

    I am not clear on the evidence you refer to ... I am looking for solid evidence ... please link some if you can :cool:

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  • G58
    Nov 7, 03:39 PM
    Or because it's an interesting debate that engages many minds in varying aspects of the possibilities.

    Or maybe you're just incapable of recognising the fact that Mac users, on average, are smarter than PC users.

    And by smarter, I mean we're more enquiring. We also tend not to write using lower case letters at the beginning of sentences, and use poor grammar. Why does that matter?, you might ask. Well, for a start, it's incorrect. But it's also ignorant and rude and immature.

    So, when we debate, for five minutes or for a few days, maybe the smart thing to do is pay attention. The experience may just fill in the obvious gaps in your education.

    the reason this topic has gotten so long is due to the fact that most apple fans have no idea what they're talking about..
    they love apple and they will defend it to the death, even when their argument has no logic..

    this has nothing to do with which product is better..

    it's the simple fact that android will be available on a greater number of handsets compared to apple..

    you guys need to look at the Microsoft vs Apple situation..
    regardless of what you prefer or believe is a better product,
    the one that makes software and licenses it out dominates the market share

    you really must have a thick skull not to understand that..

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  • deannnnn
    May 5, 05:46 PM
    i live in one of att's top 3 markets and havent dropped a call for a year. and both me and my dad (who also doesnt drop calls) are on the phone a lot.

    for all the people saying they have a bad signal just in your house its your own fault. not att's.

    also to this chart thing i bet most of the people on that chart are att haters just cause the iphone is att only. FYI dont get a phone if its service doesnt work near you. you have no right to complain if there are other carriers to choice.

    My phone doesn't work on the street in New York.
    That's not AT&T's fault?

    Coverage tends to be better in America's suburbs like say... Long Island?

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  • macfan881
    Feb 25, 05:16 PM
    This could also be a flaw, I would be really annoyed if I bought the best droid available and then a month later another six of them come out better than mine. A lot of people like buying the best available and then riding it out until the next model is available, but when there phone gets replaced by another 40 phones I am not to sure how people will react.

    Its going on now I mean look at the Motorola droid when it first came out. then few months after thats out The Nexus One Incredible etc. This is why i hate this because I'm currently looking at a Droid as my next phone, but with the Nexus one and incredible coming out in March then there's the Droid and Eris too it makes it hard to chose one of these phones.

    Sep 25, 08:44 AM
    Considering all the posts to this point, I'm inclined to believe that the "hard drive" might just be some flash memory.Interesting idea, but I have to disagree. Given the amount of storage video takes, there is no way Apple could sell a device with enough flash memory for $299. A hard drive is much more likely.

    Mar 13, 05:36 PM
    Opinions should be the same. Nuclear is clean and efficient, but has potential dangers. Shouldn't take a meltdown to remind anyone of that.

    efficient yes, clean NO.

    Apr 24, 11:19 AM
    Originally Posted by ender land
    I have personally thought through my beliefs extensively (likely more and more frequently than most of you have thought through your respective beliefs).

    What a condescending statement. :rolleyes:

    But it's common to assume that you experience more self-examination than others do. Most people don't verbalize it.

    Jul 13, 10:19 AM
    well they will all have the same mobo, so conroe on the low end and woodcrest on the high ends isnt an option

    Why do they all have to have the same mobo?

    Which is why I believe that macPro's will be all dual-duals. single Woodcrest makes no sense, and splitting MacPro-lineup between Woodcrest and Conroes doesn't make much sense either. Remember: MacPro's are hi-end workstations. so dual-dual makes sense there.

    Why doesn't splitting the lineup make sense? If they don't split the lineup, they're looking at bumping the price of the base model by hundreds of dollars with no benefit. Complete waste of money.

    the majority of Mac desktop professional users are people who rely on Adobe for everyday work.

    Do you have anything to back that up? That totally sounds like speculation.

    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    I wish apple would stop wasting money on the "kick ass case", especially since it's not that great a case aside from looking pretty. I'd love to see a budget model that was simple - why not make one more similar to a dell and keep the price more competitive? I buy it for the OS and apps, not because the plastic is shinier.

    the price difference between a 2.33/2.4 conroe is going to be like 20 bucks in the volume apple is getting, maybe less, memory has about a 60 buck difference for a pair of 512 sticks so it runs up to about 30 bucks in bulk and the motherboard is going to cost about 50 more to apple, thats a total of 100 bucks which will probably be made back by saveings in overhead and support costs.

    Are you comparing to woodcrest? I call BS. If you want to make that claim for real, do it with real numbers, not with ones you guesstimated.

    Mar 14, 09:19 AM
    A voice of reason (read the whole thing):

    What I would like to say, better than I can say it. Awesome :D

    Regarding the ship-- it is my understanding that the amount of radiation they received was one months worth of background radiation. Often people forget how low this can actually be... we're not talking rem, we're talking mrem-- you get more radiation from living in a house with radon, medical imaging, or flying on planes, just to name a few.

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